Oct 14, 2016

Today's Pix

Today's Tweet

Oct 13, 2016


Please allow me to be the first to pat myself on the back. Obviously, my relentless criticism of (and the level of my contempt for) The Press Poodles in USAmerica Inc's media biz is paying dividends. 

Here's the letter NYT published in response to Trump's threat to sue them for libel:

At great personal expense, I've enlisted the smart and capable Kristen Bell to translate in a way even Trump (and a few of his devoted rubes) can understand. Take it away, Ms Bell:

Way to go, guys - build on that, OK?

What He Brags About

Listen for what a guy brags about most, and that'll tell you what's false about him.

O'Donnell has a good record when it comes to calling these things - especially when it's about Donald Trump.

It Counts

hat tip = FB pal Vicki W-E

One From driftglass

driftglass (a coupla days ago):
Today was the day when the Republican party's nominee for president declared open war on the leadership of the Republican party for finally daring to timidly whisper about various, glaringly observable realities (h/t @Billmon).
BTW - nobody does PhotoShop better:


Sometimes You Vote With Your Checkbook

Kerry Woolard, the 37-year-old manager of Trump Winery in Charlottesville, Virginia, went online in June and made her first political contribution: A $250 donation to the campaign of her boss, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Woolard's donation was unusual.
Only a dozen of an estimated 22,450 people employed at Trump's companies have donated more than $200 to the celebrity businessman's bid for the U.S. presidency, a Reuters review of federal campaign finance records through August shows. Those who gave less to either Trump's campaign or his joint fundraising committees would not have shown up in the review.
The contributors, including an office cleaner, a golf course groundskeeper, a bartender and an attorney, have given $5,298 to Trump's campaign, a fraction of the $112 million Trump's political operation has received from donors and joint fundraisers.
An employee at Trump enterprises gave $275 to the campaign of her employer’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. A 13th Trump employee, a lawyer at the Trump Organization, contributed to a Trump Super PAC, giving $1,000. 

Kids These Days

Students at Liberty University have issued a statement against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as young conservatives at colleges across the state reconsider support for his campaign.
A statement issued late Wednesday by the group Liberty United Against Trump strongly rebuked the candidate as well as the school’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., for defending Trump after he made extremely lewd comments about women in a 2005 video. The students wrote that Falwell’s support for Trump had cast a stain on the school’s reputation.
“We are Liberty students who are disappointed with President Falwell’s endorsement and are tired of being associated with one of the worst presidential candidates in American history,” the statement said. “Donald Trump does not represent our values and we want nothing to do with him. … He has made his name by maligning others and bragging about his sins. Not only is Donald Trump a bad candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose.”

--and also too--
The Liberty University student manifesto against Trump comes as college Republican groups across the country reconsider support for the candidate. On Tuesday the University of Virginia College Republicans announced that the group voted to rescind its endorsement of his candidacy for president. The chairman of the College Republicans at Hampden-Sydney College, Tanner Beck, posted a statement on Facebook noting that Trump “has gone from simply being an embarrassment to our party, to a potentially permanent stain on our brand and our country.”
The statement was posted online as a petition

I'm not holding out a lot of hope that this will flip any given Trumpster, and I don't really give a rat's ass what anybody thinks their imaginary friend has to say about politics (or anything else for that matter).  

That said, maybe I can take it as a good sign that some of these young adults are forming political identities that aren't simply Red vs Blue and My-Team-No-Matter-What, in spite of the submissive authoritarian crap that gets drilled into them at a "Religious University".

Realistically, some of these "kids" will go on to become the next buncha blue-nosed pinch-faced purity warriors that plague every system everywhere, but some will also grow into regular human-type people who can change things where they are with the tools they have at hand.

A guy can hope, can't he?

Today's Keith

A Guy Can Wish

Oct 12, 2016

Through The Floor

There's a virulent strain of "conservative" that grew out of the 90s when people like Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh taught the GOP an important "debate" technique that says basically that the point of the exercise is simply to make the libruls mad (thanks, driftglass)

I'd call that picture evidence of the depth of their depravity, thinking again they've reached the basement floor, but they manage to go on crashing thru each lower limit, until it seems there's just no bottom for them.

And it's not like people haven't been trying to warn us this day was coming.

Each New Thing

Almost every day, when the newest horrifyingly right radical thing drops into our laps, I think, "this has to be as bad as it gets".  And every time, all I have to do is wait for a day (sometimes less), and along comes something to top it.

Leggings and gerbils, Dave Daubenmire (via Right Wing Watch):

America will never be great until people who think like this are marginalized and removed from any position of authority or influence over anything besides their little pathetic tabernacles to the Lord...sadly, large numbers of men think this way and have quite a bit of power and influence.. And that is one of the reasons we can't have nice things. Time for men whose masculinity isn't threatened by strong and powerful women to stand up and demand that men like this are a relic of the past and should be relegated to it...like museum relics.

It's A Wonderment

Given recent blowups regarding revelations of Mr Trump's ever-increasing Ick Factor, I got curious as to the Endorsement Scorecard, so off to Wikipedia we go.

And, ooh look - here's a snapshot of Newspaper Endorsements for 2016

In a 5-way contest, Trump finishes behind "No Endorsement" and "Not Donald Trump" and Gary (what's "a leppo"?) Johnson. Dead.Fucking.Last.

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Not one. Not so much as the Bergen County Shoppers Guide. Nothin'.

But wait, Mike - everybody knows the Librul Media can't we trusted. What about all the others; the "real people" ?

So, I went to the Endorsements page for each candidate, and browsed around a bit, and then I employed the time-honored metric of counting the number of times I had to hit Page Down to get thru the lists - and here's my very silly little quickie recap:

Hillary Clinton = 54 pages
Donald Trump = 17 pages

There ya have it - Hillary stomps his ass by better than 3-1.

Oh yeah - maybe this is the kicker and maybe it's not, but anyway, here's the score on how many endorsements have been retracted for each of 'em:

Hillary Clinton = 0
Donald Trump = 42

Knowing how low and crass and mercenary any given politician (or pundit) can be, we know how bad the situation has to get before one of these public ho-bags admits to making a mistake and reverses course.


And Now An Important Announcement

For just my Republican friends - from Hair Fuhrer* himself - you'll always remember what a special day it was.

*thanks @tengrain

Oct 11, 2016

Today's Tweet

Needed to get this one in before it disappeared.