Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Tax Cut Fight

Austen Goolsby explains it all.

Look guys, I really wanna go along, and I really wanna believe the prez is worth the effort. So this is a pretty good pitch, but I'm still wondering if it's real or if it's just a pitch. Maybe I've been more affected by the 8 years of abuse under the Jr Bush administration than I'm ready to admit. Dunno.

I think the biggest flaw in the argument here is that Obama can make the case against the top 2% tax cut in 2012. If the economy gets better, the Repubs will have no problem saying it got better because they forced Obama to take their deal, and that we can't possibly raise taxes now that things are finally getting better. And remember, Repubs don't need facts - they'll just make shit up, and the rubes will happily follow.

Make A Joyful Noise

Monday, December 13, 2010

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over

One Smart Cookie

Fareed Zakaria is my kinda Conservstive - one with a living thinking brain in his head.

Christie Todd Whitman

A Repub worth considering. Considering for what I don't know exactly, but she was way too "liberal" to survive in Jr Bush's administration, so she qualifies for a little love at least.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday Nite Music

A song for Mr Obama - just feelin' pretty low down and high smellin' I guess.

Now I'm Really Confused

Somehow, Obama's "total cave" on the tax cut deal is being spun as a win for him because it's touted as a huge new stimulus thingie.  Hard to imagine just how much of this I don't get.

But maybe there's some element of truth in it.  15 years ago, we figured Clinton must be doing something right because everybody was pissed at him for practically everything he did.  Of course, a good bunch of the things he did came back around to bite us all in the ass, but that's another rant altogether.

So, I guess if even Chuckles Krauthammer says the Repubs are the ones who got rolled, we're just supposed to believe, shut up  and go on about our business.

I try to pay pretty close attention, and I think I'm a fair hand at picking my way thru the sales pitch to find the difference between what a politician says and what actually happens, but like I said, I just don't seem to be gettin' it lately.  Our little experiment in self-governing has gotten so twisted and complicated, that it's nigh on to impossible for anybody on the outside to know what's really going on.  And I'm not convinced that more than a handful of people on the inside know a lot more than the rest of us.

I'm still waiting.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Repubs in the Senate piss and moan about $7.4 Billion to provide healthcare bennies for First Responders and Cleanup Crews at Ground Zero, and at the same time they'll add $700-900 Billion in tax cuts to the deficit and the debt without so much as blinking an eye.

These people have no honor and no soul.

From NYT.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Yo - Democrats

Get your shit together.  Everybody seems to be itchin' for a fight.  Lotsa talk about filibusters on the Tax Cut package heading thru Congress, and lots of talk about Obama dealing away practically everything in order to get "concessions" from the Repubs that they  wanted all along anyway.  So of course, the question is: how will the Dems fold this time?

Here's another question: are you really ready for an all-out partisan war?

In that light, I think I may be able to see for the first time, that Obama is doing the things he's doing in an attempt to avoid that war.  He could be saying that while he really does want to get things done according to the progressive agenda of his campaign, he still has to figure out how to keep his branch of the government going.  If he picks a fight every time out, then maybe everything grinds to a halt and not even the less-than-fully-satisfying things  he's been able to push thru would have any chance at all.  Maybe.

Maybe also: appeasement only encourages the adversary.

And in the meantime, there seems to be a bad disconnect between Washington politics and the problems way too many Americans are facing every day.  The joint may not be on fire yet, but it's too close for anybody's comfort.

I'm still waiting.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Kitten On The Keys

When I was a kid, we had an old Edison phonograph, and this was one of the records.

I seem to recall there was at least 1 Rachmaninoff piece, and a Caruso as well.