Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, August 09, 2013

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Respectability Politics

Jay sounds a bit angry - and if you can make Jay Smooth angry about anything, ya done fucked up pretty bad.

Yes - that's what Jay Smooth sounds like when he's pissed off.

Eva Cassidy

You've Changed:


A recent facebook exchange:

Yeah - there ya go - that third comment is kinda the whole thing in a nutshell, ain't it?Just retire and enjoy life - cuz doesn't everybody own a company they can sell for a jillion dollars, or whatever they think they'll need for their retirement?  You deserve it, because you have it.  And if you don't have it then you don't deserve anything because you're just too fuckin' stupid.

I'd really like to think 'Michael' is just trying to be jovial; or it's his idea of irony or some such(?)

I guess maybe I'm hoping he really doesn't know what a shit stained bag of cat puke  that comment makes him out to be.

But then, how can it be better if he doesn't actually know that saying something like that makes him a total goddamned dick spit?

Birds Do It, Bees Do It

...even politically conscious chimpanzees do it.  Fuck you, NSA.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Wednesday's Child full of piss and vinegar.  Fuck you, NSA.

The KrugMan Speaks

Another Bad Story Bites The Dust

One of the remarkable things about the ongoing economic crisis is the endless search for explanations of something that’s actually quite simple — the sluggish pace of recovery. You have a large overhang of private debt; you have a still-depressed housing sector; and you have contractionary fiscal policy. Add to this the well-established fact that recovery tends to be slow after recessions caused not by tight money but by private-sector overreach, and there’s just no mystery that needs explaining.
Yet we’ve seen an endless series of analyses declaring that there is indeed a deep mystery, and it must be Obama’s Fault. Probably the most influential of these analyses was the claim that Obama was creating “uncertainty”, and this was holding everything back.
Larry Mishel did a thorough debunking of this meme almost two years ago. And sure enough, the index of uncertainty that everyone was pointing to has plunged, with no visible boost to the economy.
Will anyone who bought into this story engage in some serious self-analysis? Why am I even asking?

That last line is the dominant theme of our current dysfunction, and I'm trying hard not to think we can just slap some sense into people.  

Tuesday, August 06, 2013


David Corn talking about the Wingnuts planning to take over the whole joint.

It's a bit less scary when we learn more about it.

But something that stays a little scary for me is that "the messaging" effort (ie: Corn's point about the apparent collusion between GOP and "The Press") is pretty solid simply because we've grown accustomed to the false assertion of a "librul bias in the media".  How long have 'Conservatives' have been bitchin' about that one?  The frame's been in place for a long time, so we're ready to accept this development as just another example of Both Sides Do It.

So here's the pitch: "the media's been lying to us all along - we all know that.  We're breaking away from 'the establishment' and we're gonna tell the real truth about what the government doesn't want you to know...blah blah blah."

Another weird development is that DumFux News is starting to become identified (by some) as not being Pure Right enough.

The glimmer of hope is that these new revolutionaries can be recognized as being  different from the old ones only in the extreme levels of their hunger for power.  And the exceedingly dangerous deliciousness is that Ginny Thomas and Ted Cruz and Alan West make up the monster of the Republican id.  Created for a political purpose, the monster now turns to destroy its creators.

Here's to keeping the collateral damage to a minimum.

One more random connect-the-dots wondering:  how does Jeff Bezos buying WaPo figure into any of this?

hat tip = Little Green Footballs

If It's Tuesday must be time for me to say, "Fuck you, NSA" - and also we should prob'ly figure out how to co-opt something.

So here it is:

That's a t-shirt you can buy at a joint called Red Bubble

♥ Capitalism.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Feelin' It

White Privilege - pretty much the king of all redundancies.

Hayes works for a company owned by a company owned in turn by a company that's being run by a lot a people who aren't voting for many Democrats - not the librul Dems anyway - but still sometimes he dances dangerously close to the point where he almost but not quite says there's an awful buncha bullshit about the way we're doin' things here.

Props when they're due tho'.  Nicely done, Chris.