Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Meet Your Fellow Travelers

If you're ready to start bunkin' in with the Tea Party (aka: GOP Mainstream wannabes), then you need to know who some of these jokers are, and what they're all about.

It's about the power.  The new meme (even here in Exceptional USAmerica Inc, where we're supposed to do it differently) is "nobody just hands you the power; you have to take it".  Thru intimidation and threat, or by legal wrangling or by the actual application of force, you take power; you don't request it, and you don't play nice.

And the whole "democracy in action" thing?  There's a pretty big and important faction of "conservatives" who seem to think an election is little more than window dressing - a good way to distract the rubes so they don't notice they're gettin' fucked with their pants on.  They allow us to go thru the motions of voting, and they hang bunting from every lamp post, and we have to listen to every sappy-crappy tune that ever fell out of Nashville's ass as we fight the parade traffic trying to get to the polls - all because the pig they're peddling requires a shitload of lipstick.  Ever wonder why the Yippies wanted to crash the convention in Chicago so they could nominate Pigasus?  That wasn't a stunt so much as it was Political Prophesy.

Anyway, moving on to a little development from here in Virginia, Ken (Kenny the Kooch) Cuccinelli is among the latest failed wingnut candidates (who'll never get elected to anything again because they don't really wanna get elected because wingnut welfare is a much better-paying gig than anything Da Gubmint has to offer); Kooch clings desperately to what's left of his political relevance by coming out with this thoroughly upside down and backwards little gem. (hat tip = Blue Virginia):

Because ya just can't get pure enough.  The whole world is corrupt and evil 'cept for you and me - and I'm beginnin' to wonder about you.

This Is Your Brain

Child's brain:

Teenager Brain:

Honeymoon Brain:

Church Brain:

Thinking Brain:

War Brain:

Birthday Brain:

Party Brain:

Hangover Brain:

Monday, July 21, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday Tune-i-fication

Boulder To Birmingham (cover) --The Fray (w/Emmy Lou Harris)

Guess It Doesn't Matter Any More (cover) --Eva Cassidy

Don't Think Twice (cover) --Susan Tedeschi

Oh Darling --Beatles

She's No Lady --Lyle Lovett

Makin' Whoopee --Dr John And Rickie Lee Jones

I Don't Like Thinking This Way

It's a pretty lousy feeling when you're not so sure the "good guys with the guns" are on your side.

And that lousy feeling doesn't get any better when you start thinking you may have something in common with these assholes:

Friday, July 18, 2014

We Teach Life, Sir

I am now officially in conflict with the current paradigm - OK OK, more in conflict...

Whether they are or not, Israel ends up looking like complete assholes.

hat tip = Facebook friend NFP

Living In The Penumbral Age

(paraphrasing) What the Deniers tell us to fear most - massive government intervention and over-reach and meddling in the free market - is exactly what we're going to get when catastrophic changes due to Climate Change really kick in.

The podcast at Inquiring Minds:

hat tip = MoJo

Today's Best Thing On The Toobs

Ya cain't say nuthin' more perfecter than this Wonkette headline:

Today's Pix

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Today's Toon

Been Wondering

We've seen certain things pop up regarding the much slower growth in federal hiring under Obama; and the dramatic decreases in deficits and debt; and the low inflation numbers; and the uptick in hiring along with the steady drop in unemployment; etc etc etc.

And when I say "pop up" I mean "hardly a fucking word about any of it from the Press Poodles".

But hey - maybe that's just me.

Anyway, I've been wondering why the Repubs aren't jumping up and down screaming about how they've been right about everything, and how all these unicorns and rainbows came about because they forced the Prez to rein in all that reckless outa-control spending ... that wasn't and still isn't ... uhm ... you know - happening.

Well guess what, kids.
"Congress has severely damaged the economy with deep spending cuts in a misguided attempt to solve a short-term debt crisis that simply does not exist," wrote CAP economists Harry Stein and Adam Hersh.
The progressive think tank's analysis is based on the latest budget outlook from the Congressional Budget Office, the nonpartisan congressional research group, which was released on Tuesday.

So where are you, Democrats?  Why is there no talk from you guys about "the failed conservative policies of the past"?  Are you guys so inept that you can't see this opportunity?  Are you so truly bereft of testicular fortitude that Elizabeth Warren is the only one unwilling to remain comfortable in the role of battered spouse?

Get up on your hind legs and make some fuckin' noise, dammit.

Logical Fallacy #19 - Black Or White

A false dilemma (also called black-and/or-white thinking, bifurcation, denying a conjunct, the either-or fallacy, false dichotomy, fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, the fallacy of false choice, the fallacy of the false alternative, or the fallacy of the excluded middle) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The opposite of this fallacy is argument to moderation.

The options may be a position that is between two extremes (such as when there are shades of grey) or may be completely different alternatives. Phrasing that implies two options (dilemma, dichotomy, black-and-white) may be replaced with other number-based nouns, such as a "false trilemma" if something is reduced to only three options, instead of two.

False dilemma can arise intentionally, when fallacy is used in an attempt to force a choice (such as, in some contexts, the assertion that "if you are not with us, you are against us"). But the fallacy can also arise simply by accidental omission of additional options rather than by deliberate deception.

Pay Up Or Get Out

BIll Moyers, on a simple (sounding) tax reform idea:
The epidemic of tax inversions represents just one of many ways corporations are dodging their taxes by taking advantage of our outdated and rigged corporate tax system. It is time for a serious debate about corporate taxes, and on Monday a new report by District Economics Group economist Michael Udell offered a bold new alternative that is so radically simple that even the most clever corporate tax accountant would have a hard time finding a way around its fair and universal proposition: If a company sells products or services in the US, it must pay taxes on the US proportion of its worldwide sales.
But first, let’s explore how today’s complexity enables corporate tax avoidance.
Are We “Broke” or Just Not Collecting the Taxes We Are Owed?
America is broke,” declared House Speaker John Boehner a few years ago. But clearly the country is not broke; we are just being robbed, as many corporations create ways of avoiding, dodging, shirking and generally not paying their taxes. The share of federal revenue coming from corporate taxes has dropped from around 32 percent in 1952 to 8.9 percent now. As a share of gross domestic product, it has fallen from about 6 percent of GDP then to less than 2 percent now. Meanwhile the rest of us — including small domestic companies that don’t have armies of tax consultants — have to make up that shortfall, either through increases in things like payroll taxes, or through cuts in the things government does to make our lives better.
hat tips = Facebooks buds VW and DR 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What We Choose To Believe

If I project backwards 40 or 50 thousand years, it's not hard to understand how a species capable of rational thought could look at this and make the simplest Type 1 Error by ascribing agency to it.  How do you not when you have no way of knowing otherwise?

Now, as a species capable of rational thought, and knowing what we know, how do we look at this and stop wondering just because we're more comfortable with ignorance and superstition?