Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, September 11, 2016


It just can't ever be about anything but Trump.

Friday, September 09, 2016

Listen For It

The next GOP rebranding is well underway.  Because they know they're gettin' their butts kicked and they have to salvage something.

"What The American People want..." Listen for it.

Then go to their Amazon link...

 ...and buy some stuff (that you were gonna buy anyway), which helps the podcast at no extra cost to you.

Today's Pix

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Gary and Jill

I have an editorial policy that requires me to address politicians by the appropriate title, and with the appropriate respect.

That said - fuck this Johnson jagoff. "What's Aleppo"!?!

Libertarians - we just wanna be free from Government Interference, man - and Societal Norms - and Facts - and having to think about anything but ourselves. OK?

And speaking of the fringe candidates, Dr Jill Stein went to North Dakota to get in on the demonstrations of the Standing Rock Sioux as they try to stop a pipeline - which of course is getting minimal coverage because when did Neo-Americans start giving one single fuck about "The Noble Savages"?

Anyway, from CBS News via VICE:
CANNON BALL, N.D. — A North Dakota county has issued a warrant for the arrest of Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, who is accused of spray-painting construction equipment during a protest against the Dakota Access pipeline.
Stein was charged Wednesday in Morton County with misdemeanor counts of criminal trespass and criminal mischief.
A spokeswoman for Stein said Tuesday that activists invited her to leave a message at the protest site, and Stein sprayed “I approve this message” in red paint on the blade of a bulldozer.

So first, good for you, Dr Stein. 

But then, bad, Dr Stein.  Civil Disobedience is (at least it can be) a very good thing.  But you're not doing it right if you don't stay for the whole party.  

ie: you need to get arrested and you need to pay the fines and/or spend some time in jail, and then make sure you make enough noise that the press covers the thing so everybody can see the injustice of what you're protesting.  Otherwise, you're just making yourself the center of attention. And that makes you a grandstanding asshole, using good people and their good cause as nothing more that chumps and unwitting accomplices for a publicity stunt.  

Get your ass back up there and finish what you started, Jill.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016


From NPR's Tiny Desk Concerts:

Sam Beam and Jesca Hoop

"Sailor To Siren"
"Know The Wild That Wants You"
"Every Songbird Says"

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Bible Bust

I guess we should keep an eye on it, because it's possible that maybe someday, if Ken Hamm can spoof his way thru enough pigeons, he could manage to make it work, but - nah - prob'ly not.

Here's some drone footage from a fairly recent Sunday, about 30 minutes before the place opened.

Now, maybe, the good little Christians were all still at church, but it does seem there could be a bit of a problem considering the break-even number for visitors per day is estimated at about 5,600. That sounds a bit low, but never mind, because it makes no real difference when you only get 10,000 visitors on the whole of opening Weekend. Uh-oh.

Adding to the potentially fatal embarrassment, here are a few pictures I grabbed from The Ark Encounter's website:

Not what I'd called "crowded" cuz, y'know, you kinda need a crowd to be crowded.  And in case you didn't notice, in a coupla those shots, the employees outnumber the visitors - never a good sign.  

Love Has No Labels

Today's Tweet

Monday, September 05, 2016

Ding Dong

I'm never gonna celebrate anybody's death, but the news of somebody like Phyllis Schlafley dying doesn't exactly make me sad.  She was destructively wrong about a lotta things for a long time.  And the things she was wrong about - things she led the fight to stop or deflect or delay or mitigate - are all things that would've helped make life a little better for millions of women in this country and (probably) hundreds of millions of women around the world.

If we help women, it's almost automatic that we'll get whole big batches of better men out of it too.

So if such a thing is possible, when Ms Schlafley gets to hell, she can hang out with Fallwell and Scalia, and they can cogitate on why there seems to be such a shortage of Liberals down there.

Today's GIF