Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, October 24, 2016

Bummer, Don

Andy Borowitz:
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—The billionaire Donald J. Trump’s bid to become a born-again Christian failed over the weekend after Jesus Christ turned down his friend request, campaign officials have acknowledged.

Confirming What We've Known

This is not news to any of us who've been watching things like this - and it's certainly not news to anybody who's been on the short end their whole lives.

What continues to be news is that so many of us are still hot to swallow the malarkey that "we" have to lose everything in order to make it possible for "them" just to get one lousy shot at winning any-fucking-thing at all.

The more money the "unwashed of the low-born" have in their pockets, the more money they're likely to spend on whatever weird shit you carry in your little hobby-career boutique solidly entrepreneurial job-creating noble-rich legacy-schmuck powerhouse bidness.  

So grow the fuck up, Dilbert.

Bullshit Redux

Repeal ObamaCare...

...and replace it with Healthcare Saving Accounts - because poor people can just take all the money they don't have right now and save it up so that some day in a bright and golden future, they can spend it on an insurance policy that helps pay for the remodeling on the beach house of a Mid-Level Manager whose bonus incentives are driven by the special language of the policies, which makes sure the "coverage" calls for paying out only as much as any given client's lawyer can force the company to pay.

As a recovering Republican myself, here's the basic rebuttal for anyone trying to make the case for repeal by repeating the (mostly) bogus junk about Obamacare being a disaster:

I got to keep my doctor; my premiums haven't gone up at all in 3 years; it covers all but about $10 per prescription on my meds - the point is that it's working for me, so what the fuck do I care? Go bitch about it to somebody else.

If you wanna make noise, you could beat up on the state legislatures that decided not to take the Medicaid Expansion in order to make the thing as shitty as possible for their constituents, knowing a lotta those constituents are actually dumb enough to keep voting for the assholes who're making the thing shitty while blaming all the problems on the voters themselves.

Trouble is, that shit continues to work on way too many people.

This Just In

On That Email Thing

NYT (possible pay wall):
They have not brought a major scandal to the surface, at least not yet, and even won praise from some supporters like The Post’s editorial page, which said they showed Mrs. Clinton’s “sound policy instincts.” They’ve certainly not blown up the system, as might happen in a more closed, undemocratic form of government.
If repressive foreign governments want to make a regular thing of hacking into United States leaders’ email to undermine the country, and domestic politicians like Mr. Trump want to keep embracing that kind of “help,” then the news media may have to rethink how to handle it.
But so far, the hacks have only proved that the United States system knows how to process reality and can handle the truth, which should encourage our leaders to offer more of it.
So for that much, I guess, thanks, Vladimir Putin. Now, ready to share youremails?
There could be a lot more to "the emails" than I've seen - and fake lord knows I haven't seen a whole helluva lot, so I could be standing on the warning track way the fuck off in left field - but I've been wondering for a while why the emails are always and only about the Dems, and never the Repubs, and it seems most of the Press Poodles never make it clear that they include anything that could be considered exculpatory in any real way.

What we get is "Oooh, this could be dark and mysterious and horrible - it prob'ly isn't - but it could be, and that would mean the end of the world as we know it! But I'm afraid we'll have to leave it there and blah blah blah"

Gee - it's almost as if somebody wants us to think a certain way about something.

Politics brings out the liar in all of us, so all I can do is try to test each thing for "reasonable-ness" and follow what I can as far as I can.

But all this shit - it's a wonderment.

Here's Your Daily Keith

Not particularly comfortable with the "foreign" bit, unless he's identifying Trump's ideas and approach as being foreign to American democratic ideals(?)

So, "No, Mr Trump - you're the foreigner here."

Today's Tweet

Today's Pix

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sorry In Advance (NSFW)

Cuz like the man said (paraphrasing) - nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste or the intelligence of the American consumer.

This Shit Is Not OK

The tweet said this was spotted at a Trump rally in Virginia Beach yesterday (10-22-16).

This goes under the general heading : Stochastic Terrorism.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

You Don't Know Cute

You can keep your Kitty Cat / Puppy Dog videos - here's Joe Biden finding 50¢ on the sidewalk:

Terry Tate

...well, allow me to retort.

hat tip = Facebook dude DR

Today's Podcast

"...the flailing inflatable tube man..."

Today's Tweet

Good question

Friday, October 21, 2016

Da Wimmins

A quick exercise in Poe's Law:

David Souter

Appointed by Poppy Bush, and confirmed by a Senate with a Democratic majority.

Hometown Hero


Up In The Rigging

With polls showing Donald Trump hurtling toward a landslide loss to Hillary Clinton, the Republican presidential nominee is already calling for a do-over. Whether it’s to save face or to set the stage for a post-election media play, Trump has effectively stopped talking about any policy issues, instead focusing his fire on the “rigged” electoral system itself. It is a message he reiterated Wednesday night during the final presidential debate, when he refused to say whether he’d accept the results of the election if he loses. “I will keep you in suspense,” he said.
A growing number of concerned Republicans are standing up and speaking out.
Among them is Chris Ashby, a lawyer specializing in election law, who has monitored elections in the United States for over 15 years. “The election is not rigged. In fact, it’s anti-rigged,” Ashby wrote in an article and in a series of tweets that went viral earlier this week. “To rig an election, you would need technological capabilities that exist only in Mission Impossible movies,” he explained—and implying otherwise risks damaging Americans’ faith in the electoral system.
We called Ashby up to walk us through why Trump’s “rigged election” rhetoric is wrong, and how it could continue to resonate beyond November 8.

Today's Tweet

I hate it and love it all at the same time.