Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, January 12, 2018

Today's Plucky Entrepreneur

Here's a cool little novelty. 

When you squeeze it, a brown gel oozes out ever so slightly.

Imagine thousands of these lining the shelves in the gift shop at The Great Hall of the People in Beijing during 45*'s next visit.

hat tips = FB buds Doug and Bill

Today's Tweet

Chuck Grassley (aka: Senator Death Panel) lies. 

A lot.


The Geejy Bird

I have to return to this one every so often, as a reminder to check my perspective.

Every government is a geejy bird.

The geejy bird is a strange creature; it flies only once in its lifetime, but that flight is a spectacle to behold. The geejy bird appears suddenly, standing on a limb, young, elegant, proud and respectable.  Surveying the horizon, it spreads its majestic wings and swoops upward in a wide graceful curve, with magnificent wing flappings and loud glory whoops.  When it reaches maximum altitude, it begins its elegant descent, an ever narrowing spiral.  It makes smaller and smaller circles in the sky until, suddenly and mysteriously, it vanishes through its own asshole.

No one knows where geejy birds go - probably back where they came from.  Unfortunately, when they go, they take us along.  We are all subjects of one geejy bird or another; we are born and live and die during one of these mad flights.  To be born early is, at least, exciting; the air sparkles with hopes and dreams, and there are worthwhile things to be done.  To board the flight in the soaring stage is next best; there is a fresh wind and a feel of strong wings and a dizzying view of the world.

But what about those of us who are born near the end of the flight?  We can't jump off; the fall would be fatal.  In vain we scream, "Turn around, great geejy bird! Turn back in thy flight!"  Too late.  There is nothing to do but make the best of it.  We snap to attention, salute, and begin to sing our stirring anthem.  "God Bless Our Geejy Bird!"  Together we enter the turd tunnel to oblivion.

The Rape of the A*P*E* (page 174) --Allan Sherman

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Sing It, Dude


Today's Pix

Diagnosed with Alzheimer's, the artist did self-portraits as long as he could

Fight For It

Fossil fuel companies are run by smart guys who clawed their way to the top of their organizations by knowing what the fuck they're doing.

Those guys have invested most of their lives in their careers - and since the global oil reserves are supposed to hold out for another 50 years, and since they're not getting any younger, they'll be cashing in on all that hard work - so don't expect them to bail.

They have to be beaten - by political means and by economic means - because they won't just walk away from that kind of power.

Sam Slams It

"I hope your New Year's resolution is to register to vote, because mine is to kick non-voters in the face." --Samantha Bee

It promises to be a very long year, and an uphill fight.

Today's Tweet

What we all shoulda learnt by now


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Today's Tweet

Dry hole, dude


Tuesday, January 09, 2018

It Just Doesn't Matter

Feeling a little Outrage Fatigue?

Remember one thing. Trumpsters want nothing more than to make "liberals" mad enough to cry.

That's it. That's the only thing on the list for a big bunch of 'em.

The GOP is the Party of Perpetual Trolling.

So when 45* does something like playing the fool during the anthem at a football game, and that makes you mad, and you freak out little - mission accomplished.

The trick, I guess, is to take it in as another example of why he's so thoroughly not a POTUS, without becoming inured to this shit (yeah - like normalizing)

We can stop spending ergs on trying to bring people around; to get them to understand how bad he is for all of us.  That's in the capable hands of Krystal Ball and the other reconcilers, who won't give up on dreams of unicorns and pixie farts (bless their hearts - no joke).

Today's Tweet

...and a quote - Twofer Tuesday


Monday, January 08, 2018

They've Got Buttons

Randy Rainbow lands another one.

Today's Pix


"It's tough to make predictions - especially about the future."

So I'll just say that if the Dems take the House this fall, and if they don't install Pelosi as Speaker - look for impeachment of both 45* & Pence.


I don't watch these things live. It's like watching baseball for me. Watch an inning, take a nap.  Watch an inning, fix a nice lunch. Watch an inning, mow the lawn.

Just gimme the hi-lights, if there are any.

Oprah brung it last night, btw.

Now, I can largely do without the Social Justice Warriors.  I think I get what their saying most of the time, but it seems like too many of them are going too far outa their way looking for a fight.

But maybe that's what needs to happen for a while.

So instead of crouching into a defensive position, maybe we could just listen - try to hear the individual story, and see if any of it lines up with our own behavior. And keep that conversation going.

If they're not talking about something you've done (are doing), there's no need to get your boxers in bunch.

If they're talking about something that rings a bell from your past, address it.

And always remember it costs you nothing to say, "I'm sorry that's happened to you - I'd like that never to happen to anyone".

It goes back to a Tim Wise idea: I may not be guilty of doing those things to you, but that doesn't mean I'm not responsible for trying to do something now - something that might make a difference.

And also too: it didn't get all fucked yesterday, and we're not gonna get it all unfucked by tomorrow.

Today's Tweet

Money quote: "I have no knowledge"


Saturday, January 06, 2018

Today's Tweet

This is the winner

via Charlie Pierce (@CharlesPPierce)


Friday's Podcast

Contributing a big one to this week's nominations for Best Phrasing:

"(Trump's)...rustic opinion..."

stop by and drop off a little sugar

Friday, January 05, 2018

Rhyming History

A nice little history lesson. I remember "knowing" Martha Mitchell was whacky - ie: I was being told she was whacky every day.

This is the first of a series - Slow Burn, a podcast about Watergate

First, never underestimate the power of denial on the part of a voter who just can't accept the evidence that he got played, and voted for a bad guy.

In a letter-to-the-editor in 1973, my grandpa wrote this:

..."Just before the election five or six boys thought it would be fun to bug the Democratic headquarters in the plush Watergate hotel and got caught. With the gleeful help of the biased news media, a few senators are again trying to wreck the American government and slap the American people in the face for their choice of the best man we have had in the White House for a generation - a man who can talk to the Communists and have their respect. But the news media is still using the same underhanded, childish, dirty methods of unfounded rumors, ;ies and half-truths - going so far as to attack the President, his family and friends."...

Second, sometimes when it looks like somebody's going crazy - it's really just their attempt to get un-crazy.