Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, May 31, 2019

The McCain Incident

White House staff was so worried about giving 45* something to bitch at them about, they decided it would be a good idea to hide the USS John S McCain from his sight while visiting Japan.

Here's the eMail from those staffers to the advance team:

Of course 45* says he knew nothing of this, and even though our base assumption has to be that he's lying - since he lies pretty much all the time - it might be OK to take his word for it because we know that his default position is to know practically nothing about practically everything.

But it all fits. It doesn't matter to 45* what's true or not true. He's constantly working to undermine our ability to figure it out for ourselves, with the intent of putting himself in the position of being the final arbiter on all things.

"I'm the most powerful man on the planet, and I can make your life a lot worse than it already is - so you can either believe what I say, or what you see with your own lyin' eyes."

The war on reality is a thing. The Daddy State doesn't want you to know how to think. It insists on telling you what to think.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Today's Tweet(s)

We are still America, because this... us good ideas on how to countervail the worst tendencies of The Daddy State.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Today's Pix

click it


Today's Tweet

I'll stand with these folks every day. Because they're the real Americans - not this phony made-up bullshit story about ignoring the workin' guy in flyover country and Wonder Bread and the heart-n-soul of blah blah fucking blah.

Weekend Hangover

Spotted aboard ship somewhere around Japan, as 45* was getting ready to deliver a Memorial Day address.

And of course, it just had to be aboard the USS WASP, right? Because these white-bread MAGA dicks are nothing if not ham-handed, obvious, and about as sharp as a bag full of wet yarn.

Anyway - UCMJ Article 134 would seem to be pretty clear on prohibiting political activities while in uniform. But they're aboard ship, and they've been ordered to assemble, and so they can make a plausible case (at least to the public) that they're just showing support for their CinC, which gives us another perfect example of Cult45 operating in SmarmSpace®.

Aside from that, though, is the corrosive effect of all this Kiss-Ass. When exactly did it become acceptable - bordering on preferable - to make your way through the ranks in the US military just by sucking up to the boss?

45* has spent his whole life accomplishing practically nothing, deflecting responsibility for his massive shortcomings, and always failing up to the next higher position. And now he's at the head of the one of the greatest organizations in history, and his management style is coming down to the rank and file as Style-Over-Substance - don't worry about doing the job, just make yourself look good, and blame everybody else for the fuckups.