Showing posts with label Belle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belle. Show all posts

Sep 17, 2024

Today's Belle

Celebrity billionaires disconnected from the reality that actual Americans have to deal with.

Sep 8, 2024

Today's Belle

The Biden plan for things like Rural Broadband, and Green Energy in 23 states is nearly as ambitious as FDR's REA back in the 30s.

So we've got it started, and it's a pretty good start, but it's just a start. Getting us fully transitioned away from dirty fuels, as soon as we can possibly do it, is the only thing that keeps us from the worst of the effects of Climate Change.

Based on the annual report from NOAA’s Global Monitoring Lab, global average atmospheric carbon dioxide was 419.3 parts per million (“ppm” for short) in 2023, setting a new record high. The increase between 2022 and 2023 was 2.8 ppm—the 12th year in a row where the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased by more than 2 ppm. At Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, where the modern carbon dioxide record began in 1958, the annual average carbon dioxide in 2023 was 421.08.

Sep 5, 2024

More Belle

As is usually the case, MAGA talking points are wrong pretty much across the board.

Trump is wrong.
MAGA is wrong.
GOP is wrong.

Republicans just fuck it up - every time.

Dems are better for the economy.

Today's Belle

Republicans keep nominating assholes who don't give one empty fuck about the people they purport to represent.

Let them talk in a venue they apparently think of as a safe space, and they show their ass every time.



Aug 31, 2024

Today's Belle

If you're in the top 0.01% of money grubbers, you should definitely be vehemently against this thing Joe and Kamala are proposing.

BTW, you qualify only if your wealth exceeds $100,000,000.00

Aug 30, 2024

Today's Belle

"He's asking for a country to run, when he can't even make a donut run."