Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label political humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political humor. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Prematurely Mainstream

A coupla other Fugelsang concepts that stand out for me:
sometimes atheists are the best Christians
separation of Church and Faith 

John Fugelsang:

Monday, March 21, 2016

Today's Question pretty much the same question I have almost every week.

Why is a 30-minute comedy show doing a better job reporting on these issues than the army of Corporate Press Poodles?

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Samantha Bee

I like Trevor Noah and I want him to do well, and I want the suits to stay with him until he can get his feet under himself, but seriously, Comedy Central's got the wrong guy hosting The Daily Show.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Bad Lip Reading

It would appear Mr Poe has gone mainstream now, as it gets harder and harder to tell the parodies from the "real thing".  

Monday, February 29, 2016

John Oliver

" ... written in gold Sharpie, which is so quintessentially Trump: something that gives the passing appearance of wealth, but is actually just a cheap tool."

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Gotta Go Back To Cable

TBS premiered Samantha Bee's new show - Full Frontal - last night and, of course, I'd forgotten all about it.

Here's a great clip that's great just for including the line describing Donald Trump as "an oddly tinted collection of psychiatric symptoms".  You can't not like that shit.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

A Brief Predictive History

Some day, we might get a peek at a few of the encounters that've set this epically wacky political year in motion, and maybe, the running battle between The Lord High Priebus and Donald The Invincible of Trumpkinland will be remembered ever so grandly thus:

Friday, November 27, 2015


This popped up quite a few places.  Just need to get it in before I lose it.

I think it has to start taking it's toll after a while.  Any attention is better than being ignored as far as Trump cares - he knows it's hard to find 'bad' publicity.  But there's a point where you become Terminally Uncool.  Like when Dick Nixon's handlers knew he needed something to help him "connect with the youngsters" in the late 60s, and so they invited Up With People to perform at The White House, and then at some rallies.  Fuckin' disaster was all that was.

Here's a little taste (sorry).  Although it does feature a very young Glenn Close - but don't listen to the whole thing.  Seriously - it could give you diabetes. Don't do it:

Anyway, when people are laughing, and they're laughing not because you elicit some pathos, but because you're pathetic and they pity you - time to turn around and head back to the barn.

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Only In Politics

...and only in USAmerica Inc.

We decided that all anybody needs in order to do anything well is a little common sense.  

So now we have people with no education or experience in Education who're making decisions on what should go on in our schools.

We have people with no education or experience in Law or Law Enforcement or Corrections who're making decisions on what should go on in our "Justice" System.

And and and.

Why does anybody have to wonder why we get some of the candidates we're getting from a certain end of the political spectrum?

And so - 

I'll stick with my assertion that we're looking at a high probable for Jeb/Kasich 2016.

Florida and Ohio.  Not sure it's enough for them this time, but that's gotta be on lotsa minds in what's left of the GOP's Executive Suite right now; along with trying to figure out how to blow off Trump and Carson without losing the fervor of their voters. 

Unfortunately, the problem of disappointed primary voters failing to show up for the general election may be less of a problem now that it seems Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression, and maybe some straight-up illegal schemes for manipulating the results are starting to show signs of success.

eg: It bodes well for the GOP to get a 9-point landslide win in Kentucky for a Repub Governor candidate who was polling 3-5 points down almost literally hours before the polls opened, combined with the fact that lots of Dems on the down-ballot got elected.  

BTW, we prob'ly won't actually do anything about that because that would require us to make a fucking decision and stand up for something, which is scary and it might cost us half of our Facebook friends and so we won't be doing any of that.

Anyway, just to complete the circuit - always mindful that Right Radicals play the long game because politically nefarious things need to progress slowly so as not to cause needless alarm - let's remember that it's likely that Jeb's guys fucked with things in Florida in 2000 to put W in office, and I can't dismiss the thought of some kinda double-digit plausibility that it was Kasich's guys who fucked with things in Ohio* in 2004 to keep W in office.  I'm sure they both feel they've been waiting rather patiently for the big payoff, and now's the time to step up to the window and collect their winnings.

I guess we'll see what we'll see when we see it.

*update: Ohio passed a thingie aimed at "fixing" the Gerrymandering problem, so that's gotta be seen as good news, assuming something gets done before Nov 2016 - uuhmm yeah, prob'ly not.  But hey, we can hope.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Recent Discovery

I've been reading Charlie Pierce for years, and he often makes reference to "Obvious Political Anagram, Reince Priebus".  I've always wondered, but I never looked very far trying to find out about it.

I swear to Zalmoxis that I didn't know this until today, when I Googled it and found a Facebook page explaining it all*:

Reince Priebus = Rube's Epic Rein

No wonder they keep re-electing the guy.

*Ed Note:  I can't guarantee this is what Mr Pierce has in mind, but - you know - holy crap.