Dec 10, 2015

That Scalia Thing

 Cristian Farias - Legal Affairs Reporter, The Huffington Post
During oral arguments on Wednesday in Fisher v. University of Texas, a contentious affirmative action case, the conservative justice seemed to call their abilities into question.
"There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas, where they do not do well," Scalia said, "as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school ... a slower-track school where they do well."
Scalia was engaging former U.S. Solicitor General Gregory Garre, who is now representing the University of Texas at Austin as the school defends its ongoing consideration of race as one of many factors in its admissions program.
Pointing to a brief the court received before oral arguments, Scalia noted "most of the black scientists in this country don't come from schools like the University of Texas."
Garre tried to interject, but the justice continued. "They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that ... they're being pushed ahead­­ in classes that are too fast for them," Scalia said.
Standard GOP Logic.
  • We elected a black guy President
  • so we're Post Racial
  • so there's no such thing as "racism"
  • so if black folks are getting fucked over now, it must be because there really is something wrong with them 
  • so I was right all along - we're just better than they are
  • so it's OK to talk shit about 'em again
These people have no soul and no honor.

The next president will likely have to make at least one nomination for SCOTUS. At least one - possibly as many as 3 in two terms.  We don't need any more like Antonin Scalia on the court.

He Doesn't Actually Say Anything

Trump: "I have to do what's right.  And what's right is this: We have a problem. It's a serious problem. It's gotta be solved.  And people that are Muslim; that are friends of mine are so happy that I brought it up."

I have to do what's right.  And what's right is this: We have a problem. 

Why is anybody pretending that's some kind of policy statement?

The Larval Stage Of A Yam

Take The Higher Moral Ground

Here's a picture of "their" guys:

And here's what "they're" doing about it:

And here's a picture of your guy:

And what are you doing about it?

Today's Toon

And there's more at Democratic Underground

Whole Lotta Tweetin' Goin' On