Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Woman's Right

I'm not a big Diane Feinstein fan, but when she earns cookies, I gotta give her cookies.

The meek-n-mild Appeal To Emotion by begging to be allowed to win just one after losing so many for so long ain't gonna cut much, but even tho' it's not a great argument, she kinda makes it stick by stealing the "deeply-held principle" angle.  Not a bad turnaround.

So OK - but here's what I'd really love to see (shit, I'd be glued to C-SPAN all day if I tho't this'd pop up once in a while):

CORNYN: Why shouldn't the law take exception to paying for abortions with tax dollars?

FEINSTEIN:  This isn't about your objections to using tax dollars in a way you find inappropriate - that's just a quickie handjob for a buncha rubes who think your "opposition to abortion" is actually a solid campaign promise instead of the Contribution Gravy Train we've all been riding for as long as anybody can even remember.  Look, I know you're not such a bad guy, but on this one thing, within this narrow focus, here it is: Fuck you - keep your fairy-tale religions out of this government, and keep your government out of my granddaughter's uterus.  Now, how 'bout we stop fuckin' around like this and let's get somethin' done for a fuckin' change?

I'll be emailing this post to my congress critters.  Feel free to do the same.

Shut Down The Fuck Barrel

When I see "police", I think "Sheriff".
And when I see [insert city name here],
I think "Nottingham".

Sunday, March 22, 2015

I Am Troll Man

In this week's installment, Troll Man posts a comment at Right Wing News, on a post regarding student loans:
We all love watching people on TV talk about how rough their lives are, right?  Click here to watch MSNBC’s Blake Zeff complain about his student debt…
MSNBC host, and “lucky idiot” by his own admission, Blake Zeff gave the ending rant on today’s “the Cycle” show, and he used the occasion to whine that it wasn’t fair for him and his wife to have to pay back the $170,000 in student loan debt they racked up.
So the bank is just supposed to forget that they made the decision to spend money on an education that wouldn’t pay for itself? Or perhaps he wants the American taxpayer to foot the bill. Does anyone actually think banks will continue to loan out money for student loans if they can never get it paid back?
If we want to have a serious discussion on student loans, that’s great! Sen. Marco Rubio has some ideas, including making sure students have an idea how much the can expect to make before they take out a loan. Though if we wanted a serious discussion, we wouldn’t be watching MSNBC.
Here're the highlites of just how magnificent I am (on annoyingly rare occasions):

And then - crickets.

--snip - onto a slightly different thread.  What's interesting to me here is that they kinda start to engage, but it's like they suddenly realize I'm "the enemy", and they run away.

I'll try to post updates as (if) some of these folks come back at me.  It's weird tho'.  I ask questions and I try not to be too bellicose (yeah, yeah I know - but sometimes it's just not possible to let the shit slide), but I seem to be goin' nowhere in a big fucking hurry.

Today's Turnaround

That Pesky 1st Amendment

Freedom From Religion Foundation
PO Box 750
Madison WI 53701
FAX 608/204-0422
For all other queries, please select a contact option in the email form below.
FFRF does not sell, share, trade or otherwise divulge names, addresses, e-mails or phone numbers. All submitted information is held in confidentiality and is for in-house use only.
hat tip = FB Friend VWE

Today's Pix

Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Equinox

Let's Play

Burning Up --Calum Graham

Gimme One Reason (cover) --Kelly Clarkson

Goin' To California --Led Zeppelin

Sadder Days, (Won't Be) Comin' Home, I'm Done Cryin' --Robert Cray

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Gotta Go

Too much cookin' for me right now.

I gotta walk away for a while and try to decompress; get some shit done for myself and - uhm - whatever it is I think I'm trying to do in general.

Sorry.  I'll try to do some pix and some music once in a while, but really, I just gotta get outa here.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Look At Yerself

Here's a bit from Scabrous Joe and Mika The Attack Bunny - along with other MSNBC Meat Puppets - saying how can we expect these fine innocent teenagers not to behave like racist assholes when it's so obvious that all those rotten hip-hopsters are putting out all those horrible rap songs that use the n-word and kill this muthuhfuckuh and bang that bitch and blah blah blah.

Aside from the standard bullshit trying to make this all about Respectability Politics (tell it, Brother Jay - from way back when)...

...and aside from more of the standard bullshit trying to make some stoopid point about 'reverse racism', maybe we could look at why all the white folk gettin' all bent outa shape.

I think I hear something along the lines of "well, if black people can call each other nigger, then why can't we call 'em niggers?"

That's a question that comes from way down deep in the bottomless well of White Privilege.

Look, guys - I'm not likely to be brutalized and/or murdered by the cops just because I was driving at night in a nice neighborhood.  I'm not gonna get Red-Lined by the mortgage companies; I'm not gonna be the suspect in a string of crimes because my facial features and my skin tone fit some artificial profile manufactured by a "justice system" that's become cynical and corrupt.  And there's a shitload more examples of built-in prejudice once you start thinking about it.

Secondly, the use of any of the words available to us has to be subject to scrutiny from a standpoint of what relationship we have with the people we're trying to communicate with.  If you sidle up beside your wife, and you give her a little squeeze on the buns and a peck on the cheek, and you say, "Hey babe - wanna get laid tonite?", you're just trying to be playful or romantic or provocative or whatever.  If you do that with somebody's teenaged daughter, you don't get to be all huffy and indignant when they take exception to it and start pounding you down into a greasy spot with a piano leg.

So after all that; knowing what Privilege allows for The Privileged, and what it does not allow for those Un-Privileged, can't we let up on the idiot notion of being so fucking privileged that we insist on "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too"?

Can't we give black folk one lousy word that they get to own and the rest of us just get to stay the fuck away from it?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Say What Now?

Megyn Kelly:
“There are very few companies in America, whether they’re public or private, in which if you sic 40 FBI agents on the company and review every email and every document and every communication between employees, you won’t find any racist emails."

So practically every company in America 1) employs a buncha racist assholes, and 2) has no particular policy against sending racist asshole emails &/or chooses to do nothing about the racist assholes who work for them.

And that proves the cops and the courts in Ferguson MO can't possibly be racist?  Can you say "Tu Quoque"?  How 'bout "Bandwagon"?

One other little thingie, Ms Kelly - the DoJ report did not "completely clear Darren Willson".  The conclusion was that they didn't find enough to go after a Federal Indictment against him. There's quite a difference there - and you know it.

Just Stop Being Poor

Americans are a woefully ignorant people. A third of us can't name even one of three branches of the U.S. government. Two-fifths don't even know which party controls the House or Senate. Millions even think that after the Supreme Court rules on a case, it's sent to Congress for lawmakers' consideration. And so it goes.
If we don't even know these very basics, just imagine how confusing King v. Burwell — a legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) — must be. But why let ignorance get in the way of opinion? Supporters and haters of the law simply see it — as they do just about everything — through their prisms of pre-conceived beliefs. This has led to misunderstandings and myths about what the case is all about and ObamaCare in general.

Obamacare doesn't fix a lot of what's wrong about Healthcare in USAmerica Inc.  What it does fix (partly) is the accessibility problem.  At least now, we all have a shot at getting covered by an insurance plan that we can actually afford, which was kinda the whole fucking point of The Affordable Care Act.


Claim: 8.2 million Americans can’t find full-time work partly due to Obamacare. says: False.

Claim: The law is a job-killer. says: Overblown.

Claim: Premiums are going up because of the law. Premiums are going down because of the law. says: It depends.

Claim: All of the uninsured will pay less on the exchanges than they could now on the individual market, even without federal subsidies. says: False.

Claim: 8.5 million Americans will receive rebates this year averaging about $100 each because of the health care law. says: Misleading.

Claim: You won’t be able to choose your own doctor.
Claim: The government will be between you and your doctor. says: False.

Claim: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Misleading.

Claim: Those applying for federal subsidies can lie about their income without facing verification. says: False.

Claim: Congress is exempt from the law. says: False.

And we don't really need to talk about Death Panels do we?

The Big Bamboozle

Everybody loves to hate Wal-Mart.

I think ya gotta be careful with the whole 2-Minute Daily Hate thing, but there's something pretty satisfying about it once in a while. Especially when you can point it in the right direction.