Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, March 06, 2016

But Is It Poetry?

About Last Nite

SNL may finally be all the way back in the game.

Today's Wingnut

They don't come any slimier than Alex Jones.

And y'know, Alex - your obsessing about Rubio's obsessing about Trump (and other stuff too) seems to indicate a certain particularly obsessive thing that might say a helluva lot more about your pathology than anybody else's.

Jesus Schwartz, dude.  How is anybody supposed to keep up with any of this double flip with a full-twisting backward takeoff whatever the fuck?

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Today's Tweet

Fuck that war.  And fuck all the other wars as well.  And fuck anybody who tries to tell me this is how humans oughta behave.

Syria is another in a long list of conflicts where nobody even knows how to tell the good guys from the bad guys. But no mater - this is not right. This is just never fucking right.

أنا آسف

Bad Lip Reading

It would appear Mr Poe has gone mainstream now, as it gets harder and harder to tell the parodies from the "real thing".  

Friday, March 04, 2016

A Ghost Of Fridays Past

Duck Before You Drown - a mix tape I did many moons ago.

Don't try to kid yourself - all of man's endeavor is in service of getting close with a lover.

The Krug Man Speaks

Paul Krugman NYT

Donald Trump is a “con artist,” says Marco Rubio — who has promised to enact giant tax cuts, undertake a huge military buildup and balance the budget without any cuts in benefits to Americans over 55.
“There can be no evasion and no games,” thunders Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House — whose much-hyped budgets are completely reliant on “mystery meat,” that is, it claims trillions of dollars in revenue can be collected by closing unspecified tax loopholes and trillions more saved through unspecified spending cuts.
Mr. Ryan also declares that the “party of Lincoln” must “reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry.” Has he ever heard of Nixon’s “Southern strategy”; of Ronald Reagan’s invocations of welfare queens and “strapping young bucks” using food stamps; of Willie Horton?
Put it this way: There’s a reason whites in the Deep South vote something like 90 percent Republican, and it’s not their philosophical attachment to libertarian principles.
Chock full of the good stuff - quit fuckin' around here and go read it. Now. 

Deep Tho'ts

The "conservatives" want to save America from The Libruls.  The rubes wanna save the GOP from The Establishment, and The GOP Establishment wants to save itself from the Trumpkinite Rubes.

Guys, I don't think it's unreasonable for us to ask you to let go of all the stoopid adolescent rescue fantasies (not to mention the boarding school bullshit game of My-Dick's-Bigger'n-Your-Dick) and get to work on the fucking problems.  Could we try that for a while?

Every GOP policy in the last 30 years has been pointed at stripping down the Federal Gov't, delivering all that political power to the coin-operated part-timers in State Houses, and liquidating everything at rummage sale prices for the benefit of an increasingly venal Executive Management Class. This is Oligarchy at its very worst, and they've gotten this place in a tangled mess, all of which is shielded from our doing anything about it by a military and a police force totally dependent on the largesse of a wholly-owned subsidiary formerly know as The United States Congress.  

Wanna know why Trump makes such bold assertions about dealing with guys like Putin and Xi Jinping and Assad and whoever's runnin' the joint for ISIS? Kindred spirits. He knows what makes 'em all tick because he is them.

So this is where we are now.  Go with the GOP and we're being led to the future by way of  an 18th century-style birthright-entitlement aristocracy.  And try to remember that it was such a good deal back then, that about a million people who had everything to lose put their lives on hold for 8 years, and their asses on the line so they didn't have to get on their knees before a guy who coulda been named Drumpf and beg for the privilege of breathing one more day.

Fuck these guys.  And I'm constantly amazed and sometimes a little disheartened that I end up thinking I have to state the obvious, but it's always right there in front of me: 

The only way forward from here 
is to go forward from here.

PS - recalling the lede) "The Libruls" want to preserve democracy and bolster our little experiment in self government by pushing that government to live up to the promises made to "ourselves and our posterity" - and that's what the "conservatives" want to save America from.  

Do ya really need any time at all to let that one sink it?

Today's Tweet

Gonna need some brain bleach on this one.

Thursday, March 03, 2016

The Threat Of The Threatened

Plenty of folks "on the left" have been harping on this one for quite a while. 

I guess we could call it Authoritarian Fever or some such. Nobody really knows why it happens; it's not like the crazies aren't always with us.  

It's like having these nasty little microbes living inside of us, and for whatever reason, once in a while they go nuts and we come down with a bad cold, or strep, or even a staph infection or meningitis. The good news is that we usually get better, even if we do nothing but bundle up on the couch with some chicken soup and pound the occasional herbal tea with honey lemon and Jack for a few days. The bad news is that sometimes it kills us even when we make it to the ER.

BTW: "Herb T, with Honey Lemon and Jack" is a good name for a band tho - dontcha think?

Anyway, here's a piece from Vox, taking a long look at the phenomenon:
Perhaps strangest of all, it wasn't just Trump but his supporters who seemed to have come out of nowhere, suddenly expressing, in large numbers, ideas far more extreme than anything that has risen to such popularity in recent memory. In South Carolina, a CBS News exit poll found that 75 percent of Republican voters supported banning Muslims from the United States. A PPP poll found that a third of Trump voters support banning gays and lesbians from the country. Twenty percent said Lincoln shouldn't have freed the slaves.
A free press is supposed to act as a national immune system, so this might be touch-n-go for a while.

At this point, talking to each other and getting people out to vote is pretty much the only chicken soup we've got left.

Stay together. Work tgether. Get shit done.

(hat tip = Twitter buddy Athyvaya)