Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, June 13, 2016

It Bears Repeating

Jim Jeffries - Gun Control - Part 1

Jim Jeffries - Gun Control - Part 2

The Essence Of Stoopid

The man allegedly behind the largest mass shooting in American history purchased his weapons from a gun dealer and shooting range whose owner has in the past posted anti-Muslim and anti-President Obama comments on Facebook, the New York Daily News reported.
ATF Agent Sal van Susteren confirmed to the New York Daily News that accused Orlando shooter Omar Mateen purchased the weapons he used in the weekend's massacre at St. Lucie Shooting Center, not far from Mateen's apartment in Fort Pierce, Florida.
The New York Daily News reported that the store's owner, Ed Henson, an ex-NYPD officer, had posted on Facebook in December a meme that said, "F--- Islam, F--- Allah. F--- Muhammad. F--- the Koran. F--- people who support terrorism,” as well as a comment in November calling for Obama to be "handcuffed, removed from Office and charged with Treason and then publicly executed!"
No, Mr Henson, fuck you.

You helped amp up the atmosphere of hatred and paranoia, which you knew would make it that much easier for you to sell guns and ammo to weak-minded individuals who don't quite fully understand the deathly shitty game you're playing.

This is on you and The NRA and all the other smarmy little grub worms in the Ammosexual Community who've created a dank and noxious underworld at the nexus of Religion and Politics and Unfettered Free Market Capitalism.

Sorry not sorry if you feel I'm singling you out unfairly, Mr Henson - there's a group of 50 dead Americans who all probably felt the same way when Mr Mateen was killing them; for reasons you contributed to; with a gun you sold to him.  Maybe you could keep that in mind next time you sell guns to somebody who just might be as big an asshole as you are.  

You wrote, "Fuck people who support terrorism" - so yeah - fuck you, Mr Henson.

My Donkeys

1700 guys making almost $5 Billion a year, but it's the jewelry they really play for.

John Oliver

And a tweet

To Whom It May Concern

Dear God,

Prince was my favorite guitar player, and you called him home last month.

Muhammad Ali was my all-time favorite sports hero, and you took him last week.

I just wanted to get up with you today, and remind you that my favorite candidate is a guy named Donald Trump.

I'm not expecting miracles here, but, you know - just in case you got nothing better to do or whatever.


cribbed from a post by FB pal Linda

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Let Them Show

Like a rainbow

Today's Eternal Sadness - Orlando

We can usually expect some jagoff on DumFux News to start spluttering about "where are the moderate Muslims...!!!!"

So now, I guess I have to wonder why we never heard from "the moderate Christians..." when dick-face-what's-his-name shot up that Planned Parenthood joint in Colorado Springs.

But anyway.

Connecticut’s U.S. senators blamed Congress for the killing of at least 50 people early Sunday at an Orlando club, saying lawmakers’ inaction on gun control makes them “complicit” in the shooting rampage.
Sens. Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal, both Democrats and vocal gun control advocates, represent the community of Newtown, where a gunman fatally shot 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.
“This phenomenon of near constant mass shootings happens only in America – nowhere else,” Murphy said Sunday. “Congress has become complicit in these murders by its total, unconscionable deafening silence. This doesn’t have to happen, but this epidemic will continue without end if Congress continues to sit on its hands and do nothing – again.”

I Wonder

McConnell popped into view right about the time Ms Ryan disappeared - just sayin' - ya never see 'em in the same place at the same time.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Today's Pix

Today's Tweet

Today's Podcast


  • Don't get hung up with the Sunk Cost Fallacy
  • They're outa my favorite beer, so I'll start drinking bleach
  • Republican Detachment Syndrome

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Thursday, June 09, 2016


I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I have to let it out.

Could we maybe try to get her to lose the Dr Evil look?  Just sayin'.

I know.  I'm a bad man.  I'm a very bad man.