Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, July 15, 2016

Today's Podcast

Certain Press Poodles have been assigned the task of lamenting "our difficulties" in talking about the horribleness of the apparent racism in USAmerica Inc, and about how our political leaders are exploiting the divisions blah blah bah.

So there was a poll asking Americans about how the two major party candidates are doing in the whole Racial Divisiveness thing - ie: Who do you think is more responsible for the negativity regarding our "national conversation about race"?

Trump = 67%
Clinton = 16%

Press Poodles: But remember,folks - overall, 61% of Americans think it's all pretty shitty, which lets everybody slide back into the comfortably numb Both Sides narrative, and so we'll call it a draw.

Today's Tweet

A Glimmer

Saudi Arabia has roving bands of Morality Police with the power to beat up citizens they deem not behaving as good little Wahabis.

A judge in Kentucky decided he could refuse to officiate at a civil wedding ceremony because the couple didn't mention God in their vows.

Bands of psychotically religious assholes do all manner of shitty things to people everywhere, in the name of their love and devotion for any of a dozen versions of the one true merciful and loving god.

Fuck 'em.

Still, there's this tiny glimmer of hope in USAmerica Inc.


Maybe It's Just Me

From a distance, and if you squint just a bit, the GOP Convention logo looks kinda like an advertisement for The La Brea Tar Pits.

Just sayin'.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Metal Working

They never told me I could put Shop Class together with Art Class and maybe end up with something this fucking amazing. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Today's Jeopardy Question

I'll take Blinded By Bullshit for 500, Alex.

And the answer is:

What is "Deflategate"?

Right you are.

Today's Tweet

Today's Pix

Jason Explains

Mr Chaffetz seems completely flummoxed by the process of Gubmint.

Normal Human: Whatcha doin'?
House Republican: Looking for my keys - I dropped 'em when I was out in the garage.
Normal Human: So, why are you in the kitchen?
House Republican: The light's better in here.