Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Today's Tweet

Joe Walsh is an incompetent clown, a dead beat dad who's loudly moralized about "family values", and an all-around demagoguing schmuck, so when we find ourselves in total agreement with a guy like that - I gotta figure something's really up.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Today's Pix

click a pic to start the show

Today's Tweet

Sounded a little wacky to me too. But then somebody pointed out that there are more licensed yoga instructors in this country than there are coal miners - and the people practicing yoga outnumber the people watching NASCAR by a million or more.

Don't fuck with those namaste folk.

Yeah But No

It's a nice story about doing something nice for some nice lady. I especially liked the ooky-spooky angle about spirits and ghosts and shit.

The only problem is that there's a subtext that makes it actually about responsibility.

If I give credit to a supernatural force for something good that I did, then I can blame a supernatural force when I do something shitty. I can duck having to own up to whatever I do, which tells me self-infantilization is at the heart of every sky-pixie religion.

As an adult human being, you have to develop a relationship with yourself. Being faithful to a religion means you refuse to be the grownup in that relationship.

You did a good thing. Congratulations on having figured out how to be a decent person, but I do have a question:
  • You don't really need us to pat you on the back for it every fuckin' time do you?

Monday, July 23, 2018

Today's Quote

"Donald Trump, champion and avatar of the shallow state, has won power because his supporters are threatened by what they don't understand, and what they don't understand is almost everything. Indeed, from evolution to data about our economy to the science of vaccines to the threats we face in the world, they reject vast subjects rooted in fact in order to have reality conform to their worldviews. They don't dig for truth; they skim the media for anything that makes them feel better about themselves. To many of them, knowledge is not a useful tool, but a cunning barrier elites have created to keep power from the average man and woman."
--David Rothkopf

That Keke Challenge Thing

My youngest just sent me a FB link that purports to show the dangers of online viral challenges.

Here's a compilation - and think maybe half of them are flim-flammed, but I dearly love the creativity no matter what is and what ain't "real".

It always brings this to mind:

The Power Of The Visual

One of the great moments in American political image-making - combining visuals (that go from pastoral to stark) with Bill Conrad's amazing voice-over to create a powerful message intended to motivate people to get together and do something about a serious problem.

And we did some pretty great things. Even with a slug like Dick Nixon in the White House.

The actor is Iron Eyes Cody, born Espera Oscar De Conti, in 1904 to parents who immigrated to this country from Italy.

The guy spent most of his adult life taking great pains to maintain the manufactured illusion of his "heritage".

As an aside - the piece also allows the inference that while American Aboriginals may be a bit peeved by European wars of conquest and that little genocide-y thing, what really gets' em is roadside litter and water pollution. White people - whaddaya gonna do?

Anyway, we did some things. We saved the bald eagle. We stopped lead and asbestos. We insisted that companies be held responsible for their actions. And we began to understand that a paycheck isn't worth much if what you're doing to earn that check is hurting - and even killing - everything and everybody you love.

If you live in the mountains because you love to fish, but your favorite stream is being killed by the runoff caused by the logging operations of the lumber company you're working for, what's the fuckin' point?

It's A Simple Question

"What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?"


A Georgia state representative, Republican Jason Spencer, became the latest political victim of Sacha Baron Cohen’s series “Who Is America?” on Sunday night in an episode featuring Spencer screaming obscenities, taking pictures up a Muslim actor’s robe while pretending to be a “Chinese tourist,” and exposing his bare buttocks in an attempt to “intimidate” a terrorist. “If you want to win, you show some skin,” Cohen told him.

Spencer also appeared to pretend to cut off a fake terrorist’s genitals while using the n-word and other profanities.

He told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he was led to believe the video would be used as an “educational aid to train elected officials who may be targeted by terrorists.”

Instead, it was used to provoke widespread ridicule — the New York Times asked, ‘Who Is Jason Spencer, the Unfortunate Star of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Latest Show?’ — and prompted the Republican speaker of the Georgia House to call for his resignation.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Today's Tweet

And back we've gone - to the good old days - when men are men, and people suffer and die because they can't afford treatment for easily-manageable conditions - because some of us are just too fuckin' stoopid.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Today's Tweet

I have no idea what to say on this one, so I'll just leave it here and maybe come back later.