#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C 4YRS126DAYS19:32:53 LIFELINELand protected by indigenous people43,500,000km²Peruvian farmer takes Germany's RWE to court in landmark climate case | German emissions fell 3.4% in 2024, on track for 2030 climate goals | London’s pollution drops after expansion of clean air toll | China unveils plan to boost green equipment manufacturing | Ireland donates $16 million to Brazil's Amazon Fund | Britain to invest £1.8bn on home energy saving upgrades | Scientists identify more than 800 new species in global Ocean Census | A bird last seen by Darwin 190 years ago reappears on a Galapagos island | Report says solar & storage accounted for 84% of new US power added in 2024 | Mexican women defied drug-dealers, fly-tippers & chauvinists to protect the environment | Peruvian farmer takes Germany's RWE to court in landmark climate case | German emissions fell 3.4% in 2024, on track for 2030 climate goals | London’s pollution drops after expansion of clean air toll | China unveils plan to boost green equipment manufacturing | Ireland donates $16 million to Brazil's Amazon Fund | Britain to invest £1.8bn on home energy saving upgrades | Scientists identify more than 800 new species in global Ocean Census | A bird last seen by Darwin 190 years ago reappears on a Galapagos island | Report says solar & storage accounted for 84% of new US power added in 2024 | Mexican women defied drug-dealers, fly-tippers & chauvinists to protect the environment |
Showing posts with label christian right. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christian right. Show all posts

Feb 27, 2025

A Question

Some politicians and their supporters claim the Holy Gospel as their book - their spiritual guide - their moral compass.

How can these people identify as Christian, and then treat the poor, and the sick, and the stranger like shit that needs to be scraped from their boots?

Oct 22, 2024

Christian Wingnuts

And I'm using the word "Christians" loosely.

How does a married woman hear this echoed in her husband's demeanor, and not immediately call a lawyer?


Aug 15, 2023

What They're After

Authoritarian rule, and theocracy, and business management mesh nicely because it's always top-down, do what I tell ya, and keep your tater trap shut kinda shit.

Especially that religion thing: Compliance is obligatory on pain of death.

Nothing fits better with what we've been seeing from the MAGA gang lately, as the puppeteers and plutocrats who're funding them keep us distracted just enough to let a tiny little doubt sneak into our brains if we start to think maybe this whole fascist thing is in process right now.

Mar 7, 2022

Right Wing Watch

There's no hate quite like Christian love.

During the last ReAwaken America event, anti-vax activist Jim Meehan uncorked an unhinged rant urging right-wingers to seize power & punish their enemies: "I've got a message to the Luciferian cabal, to the overlords: We're coming for you ... We're gonna knock you into the dirt."

This one's almost as good the one about "trans-humanist robots".

Apr 30, 2019

Today's Betty

Mrs Betty Bowers - America's Best Christian

This is Deven Green. You may recognize her voice next time you get an automated phone answering menu.

Apr 11, 2019

Policing The Womenfolk


A bill recently introduced in Texas would make it possible for women to get the death penalty for having abortions.

The bill would criminalize all abortions, with no exceptions for rape or incest, and would make it possible to charge a woman with homicide for having the procedure, according to the Washington Post. The state of Texas allows capital punishment for homicide.

Rep. Tony Tinderholt, a Republican state legislator who introduced the bill, says it wouldmake people “consider the repercussions” of having sex.

“My bill simply accomplishes one goal,” Tinderholt said in a statement to media on Wednesday. “It brings equal treatment for unborn human beings under the law.”

So I guess it's time to reprise a little thing I posted a while back.

Let's say you have a chance encounter with a woman of your acquaintance at the grocery store or whatever - you don't know her well, but you know her - and you notice this usually very fit, very svelte woman is looking a bit round. You ask how she is, and rolling her eyes and giving out a big sigh, she tells you she's pregnant - again - almost 5 months into this one, which is the 4th time around - 9 years after her last one - and she is obviously not all that thrilled, having gotten the first 3 kids well into school and just getting her career back on track and this throws a pretty big wrench in the works, etc etc.

You exchange pleasantries and go on your merry way.

A year or so later, you see her again. She's looking her usual great self, and you ask about the new baby. Without going into detail, she tells you "it just didn't work out". You notice she doesn't seem to be all that sad about it, and you find yourself wondering if she's done something illegal.

What is your civic duty at that point? Do you call the authorities and report what seems to you to be her suspicious behavior?

That stoopid thing in Texas isn't going anywhere - not this time - but they keep doing it because it brings in the Taliban cash, and riles up the rubes to get out the vote, and one of these days, they might make it stick.

But in the end, here's the thing, Skeezix:

  • Tadpoles ain't frogs
  • Caterpillars ain't butterflies
  • Ain't nothin' goin' on in my daughter's uterus that's any of your fuckin' business
So fuck the fuck off, you fucking fuck.

Jul 28, 2018

Today's Product Showcase

Buy this immediately:

Available in a variety of forms - T-Shirt, Wall Art, Sticker, Coffee Mug, etc.

Perfect gift idea - especially for any Display Window Christians on your Christmas card list.

Jul 1, 2018

Some Dots For Connecting

Golf pro Lee Trevino said:

"If you're caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron."

Even when he says shit like that, Franklin Graham is never seen holding a 1-iron.

In light of that simple truth, there can be no god.

Dec 10, 2017

Today's Tweet

We are so fucked.


Jul 6, 2017

It's Not Hypocrisy

Let's call it a Flexible Multi-Tiered Moral Code.


Hobby Lobby agreed to forfeit thousands of artifacts from modern-day Iraq and pay a $3 million fine to resolve a civil action the Justice Department brought against the company, according to court documents.

The DOJ said the company received the falsely labeled artifacts from a United Arab Emirates-based supplier.

The artifacts, ancient cuneiform tablets and clay bullae, were smuggled into the United States through the United Arab Emirates and Israel, Justice officials said. Cuneiform is an ancient system of writing on clay tablets that was used in Mesopotamia, and clay bullae are balls of clay on which seals have been imprinted.

That whole 6th commandment thing - OK for thee but not for me.

Dec 6, 2015

'Tis The Season

The word 'reconciliation' pops into my fevered little noggin a lot this time of year, but right now it has to go beyond the usual "spiritual-ey" stuff about making a special effort to recognize the things I've done or said or tho't that I shouldn't, and the things I should've done or said or tho't that I didn't.

What it gets down to now is:  How do we reconcile a call for this country to be more Christian while demanding government policies that are anything but Christian?

Take in refugees who're trying to get free of the horrors of war and the bondage of poverty?  Fuck 'em - they might be terrorists.

People who don't like us because we're Christians have killed a bunch of us.  So "turn the other cheek"?  Fuck that - we will seek vengeance as if we've never even heard of this Jesus guy, much less his lessons of loving our enemies and forgiving those who trespass against us.

Drug testing for Welfare and SNAP recipients - even though it has a much greater and more damaging impact on the totally blameless kids of those very few parents who get caught? Pretty sure your Jesus had more regard for people than that.

Guys like John Fugelsang have been trying to point these things out for quite a while, Christians - when can we expect you to start answering the criticism?

And this next one doesn't have anything to do with Jesus really - even though (I just found out) there's lotsa "Christians" who think Jesus commanded the apostles to arm themselves, citing Luke 22:36.  I'd never heard such silliness, and of course it turns out the American Ammosexuals (like all the other hyper jagoff-ey god-knobbers in the whole fucking world), who always need some "higher" authority to rationalize their douchery are missing the whole fucking point, as Benjamin Corey explains.

And btw, how do you not reconcile that one?  How do you not see that your appeal to an ultimate authority is exactly the same as everybody else's appeal to their version of an ultimate authority?  

Anyway, if we all carry loaded guns at all times, the whole country gets really safe - but we'll have to insist that there be no loaded guns at the Gun Shows because we need to ensure the safety of our vendors and attendees.  
And we'll lock up all the weapons on all the military bases in the interest of safety for our service members.  
And you don't get to carry a loaded gun in a police station because safety is uppermost in our minds.
And no guns on airplanes for the safety of the flying public.  
And no guns at the football game for the safety of the fans. 
And no guns in the courtroom for the safety of the people there.  
And no guns at school for the safety of the kids and their teachers.
And no guns and no guns and no guns.

It's all outa sync.  Get this shit reconciled, and let's go to work.

Jul 5, 2013

It's All Bigger And Better In Texas

The fun-lovin' is bigger, and the BBQ is better, and the bullshit is deeper.

From The Daily Texan:
A plurality of Texas voters aware of SB 5 were opposed to it, according to a Public Policy Polling telephone study conducted last weekend.
SB 5, brought forward in the first special session, would have imposed stricter state regulations on abortion. About 28 percent of voters opposed SB 5 while 20 percent supported it, and 52 percent of the 500 Texas voters surveyed by the study were not aware of the bill.

Once we get done fussin' about what a crock of moralistic authoritarian pig slop this is, we need to remember a coupla very important things:

First, this won't do a lot to prevent abortions - it won't drive down the demand for abortions.  It'll only make the procedure a lot more dangerous for everybody.

Second, this won't prevent (eg) Sydney Perry (or any other woman of sufficient means) from getting on a plane and flying to wherever abortion is still safe and legal, should she ever be in need of some help in that regard.  This stoopid thing will only impact the "lower class"; people who don't have the influence, power or money necessary to access the full menu of healthcare options. 

Jun 28, 2013

Nice Little Joint Ya Got There, America

...be a shame sump'n bad should happen to it.

And as long as we're casting ourselves in the role of oppressed victim, let's not forget about the delicate sensibilities of Macho Jesus:

And shit, while we're at it, we should put together another cringe-worthy campaign slogan (and don't forget the graphic) that encourages our fellow Goddies and Cristianists to do the Blow Job Mime - I just can't wait to see what the Libruls can do with Photo Shop on this one.

Nov 24, 2012

The Un-War On Christmas

Do you see it?  There on the side of the wagon and again on the banner under the picture of the wagon?  It says "White House Christmas Tree".

I'm serious - if you bring any of the usual shit about "anti-Christian this" or "holiday that", I can't guarantee I won't get all medieval on your dumb ass.

Here's the video:

Yeah - it's just that boring.  It's always just that boring.   Why is it ALWAYS the Little Stoopid that DumFux News and the wingnuts choose to make into a Big Stoopid?

Here's a tho't - what if DumFux News is actually helping Obama and all those Big Gubmint rascals by distracting our attention away from Torture and Murder-by-Drone and Domestic Spying and a hundred other bigger things by getting us to concentrate on a bunch of fanciful junk that isn't true and wouldn't fucking matter even if it was true?

Oct 9, 2012

Oh, Sweet Jesus

The Agonist has a nice compilation of some of the more egregious examples of American Talibanism today, starting with:

Remember former Republican legislator Charlie Fuqua, running again for legislature with financial support from the Arkansas Republican Party and U.S. Reps. Tim Griffin and Steve Womack, among others? We’ve mentioned some excerpts from his book, “God’s Law: The Only Political Solution.”
I have more for you today. To save space, I’ve omitted the Biblical citation for Fuqua’s endorsement of the death penalty for rebellious children. Fuqua doesn’t think execution would have to be used often on children who defied their parents, but suggests the deterrent effect of its legality would be beneficial. Verbatim, from the writing of Charlie Fuqua, a former lawyer for the Arkansas Department of Human Services:
"The maintenance of civil order in society rests on the foundation of family discipline. Therefore, a child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellious children is not something to be taken lightly. The guidelines for administering the death penalty to rebellious children are given in Deut 21:18-21"...
I'm tryin' pretty hard to resist the overwhelming urge to dismiss all Christians and to declare an Atheist Jihad on these pricks - well, could ya blame me?  Really?

Aug 30, 2012

Legitimate Rape

Wanna beat Repubs in an election?  Just remind the voters of what these fucksticks actually say once in a while.

Mar 2, 2012

And There It Is

The exposure parade continues.  Sec'y Sebelius tries to explain to US Rep Tim Murphy (R-Brainfart) how contra-ception works, but he can't hear what she's saying because God is stomping around in his head, making too much awesomely righteous noise up there or some-damn-thing.

(hat tip ThinkProgress)
SEBELIUS: There also is no abortifacient drug that is part of the FDA approved contraception. What the rule for preventive care…
MURPHY: Ma’m that is not true…Is the morning after pill or something like that an abortifacient drug?
SEBELIUS: It is a contraceptive drug, not an abortifacient… It does not interfere with a pregnancy. If the morning pill were taken, and a female were pregnant, the pregnancy is not interrupted. That’s the definition of abortifation.
MURPHY: Ma’m that is your interpretation, and I appreciate that’s your interpretation.
SEBELIUS: That’s what the scientists and doctors…
MURPHY: We’re not talking about scientists. Ma’m we’re not talking about scientists here, we’re talking about religious belief. Ma’m, I’m asking you about a religious belief. In a religious belief, that is a violation of a religious belief.
And there it is.  Science doesn't matter.  Fact doesn't matter.  Reality doesn't matter.  If truth goes against my religion-fueled ideology, then truth must be dismissed and ignored and condemned.

One last thing: according to Ayn Rand, (approx - The Fountainhead) "...evil is when a man sees the truth - recognizes it for what it is - and denies it."