Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Today's Reddit

I think I may have actually tried this - or something similar - once. I was pretty drunk.

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Today's Reddit

It Broke My Brain

I have children who try to explain this kind of thing to me. It never works - I just don't get it.

Up & Atom - Aristotle's Paradox

Today's Odd Oldie

I ran this years ago when I was arguing the validity of "Touch Healing" with an old high school acquaintance - who actually showed up in this video.

Emily Rosa was 9 years old when she conducted the study which debunked the whole Reiki thing. She had just passed her 11th birthday when JAMA published her findings.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Today's Tweet

This started out as a Reddit post, but Reddit has a particularly annoying habit of deleting posts, so I went out and found a Tweet version instead.

It takes a real dickhead to do that kinda shit, and once the cops nailed his ass, the dickhead's mug shot got posted, and he looks pretty much how you might expect a dickhead like that to look.

Alexander Michael Jerich, 19,
faces charges of criminal mischief,
reckless driving with property damage,
and evidence of prejudice,
which elevates the crime to a felony.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Via Reddit (r/ukraine)

A border guard named Roman was among the defenders on Snake Island in the first days of Russia's invasion - famous for their "Russian warship - fuck off" defiance in the face of disaster.

Feared dead, Roman was held POW until recently, when he and others were returned to Ukraine in a prisoner swap.

Partial translation:
It opens up with a head of Cherkass state administration (the man who gives out the medal) welcoming Roman, the border guard and saying “ It’s a pleasure to meet you. Like yourself, this award is honorable and I hope it will warm your soul to know it’s a Cherkass state award and we will always be happy to see you and work with you again and again. You are very valuable to us, just like everyone who defends our country. We will defeat as many enemies as needed, until our victory”. The video switches to the man talking in the background, saying “ Ukraine must know it’s heroes, so does the Cherkass oblast, we have yet again reaffirmed that our people are true Cossacks. Everything Roman said is truly relevant to Ukraine and the resilience we have in heart. Our people, despite torture and high pressure stay strong and well - they are a role model for all Ukrainians, proving that our spirit is unbreakable. It then switches to Roman - “I’d like to thank the people of Ukraine for such strong support, all of us truly feel it and it inspires us. The strength and truth is on our side, we will surely win. Glory to Ukraine ! “

Слава Україні


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Today's Reminder

Ignore for a minute the privilege and the class stratification implied, and notice the straightforward racism couched in terms of American exceptionalism.

"If black people study hard and work hard, they stand just as good a chance of success as anybody else."

The implication being that since most black people are still having inordinate difficulty attaining the status and the wealth and the success that white people enjoy here in USAmerica, then there must be something wrong with black people.

But no - there's no racism here - certainly no systemic racism - we're not a society built on racist policies - blah blah blah.

Tim Wise: It's not a glitch, it's a feature. The system has not failed brown people - the system is working as designed. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Today's Tweet


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Today's Daddy State

When it serves their purpose, the Daddy State will not hesitate to put thoughts in your head, words in your mouth, and slogans on your sign.

It's illegal to criticize Putin's government. And while it's not much of a stretch to think this woman meant to do exactly that, she was exactly not doing that.

Слава Україні

Thursday, March 10, 2022


From Brian Tyler Cohen's Twitter account:

A trucker in the convoy says he’s taking a day off from driving in laps around DC because “3 young girls in a blue Hyundai” flipped him off. He says he’s now fearful: “It wasn’t just a normal middle finger that was relaxed... It messed me up.”

It's the shock of realizing that the world is not with you - that you aren't in the majority like they promised - that you've been lied to and manipulated.

ie: "I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen? I did everything they told me to..."

Today's Julie

Best breakdown of the Cost/Benefit equation of Use, Abuse, and Addiction since Carlin.

Julie Nolke - Are You Sad?

Monday, March 07, 2022

Right Wing Watch

There's no hate quite like Christian love.

During the last ReAwaken America event, anti-vax activist Jim Meehan uncorked an unhinged rant urging right-wingers to seize power & punish their enemies: "I've got a message to the Luciferian cabal, to the overlords: We're coming for you ... We're gonna knock you into the dirt."

This one's almost as good the one about "trans-humanist robots".