And remember that while the Dems have been pretty much too quiet and too absent for too fucking long, the GOP is nothing but Guns-Everywhere-Kill-'Em-All-Let-God-Sort-It-Out.
You don't like it? Get up on your hind legs and do something about it.
— perfectly frank (@AmOhSoFrank) February 21, 2016
Trump didn't win in spite of being a boor, a bigot, and an analog internet troll; he won because he was proudly all those things. For all the diversions (who picks a fight with the pope, anyway?), he articulated a remarkably clear theory of politics: Other people are screwing you over, and I'm going to stop it.In the 80s and through the 90s, it was Repubs making big strides by embracing the criticism of them for being Cold Greedy Self-Centered Assholes - saying straight up, "Why yes - yes I am. And proud of it too."