"Conservatives" complain a lot about the PC Culture of Self Esteem and how if you don't let kids suffer the humiliation of never getting picked for playground games, then they'll never learn something they're supposed to learn - some of which I don't disagree with BTW; but that ain't my point and I'll save that one for another rant on another day.
What triggered my wondering today is a short piece on AGW/Climate Change from Addicting Info:
...Conservative ideology has resulted in an inherent mistrust/dislike of science and the scientific community, leading conservative constituents honestly believing that the validity of a theory, whether scientific or otherwise (meaning both definitions of “theory”), depends on whether or not you believe it. That’s not just a conservative problem; we have this idea as Americans, perhaps as people, that we need to “respect” someone else’s opinion no matter what the facts say.
Sorry, but I don’t buy into that. Not everyone’s opinion carries the same value or weight.That last bit is what hung me up in the context of "everybody gets to play".
If you're gonna bitch about every kid getting a fair shot in grade school, then don't turn around and start demanding that your (almost-completely-misinformed) opinion counts as much as anybody else's and so the facts mean nothing just because those facts indicate we should do something you think conflicts with your ideology - cuz hey, Freedom.
Paraphrasing: The planet is round. And in spite of your opinion to the contrary, the fact that the planet is round is not in dispute.
So don't bring your schoolyard shit to a national debate - you're embarrassing yourselves in public.