Nov 9, 2016

Meet The New Boss

Congratulations, President Pence.

I expect Trump to operate in the Executive Branch the same way he "operates" "his" businesses. ie: His involvement begins by putting his name on the letterhead, and ends with him trying to sell whatever it is Mike Pence comes up with.  

We elected a brand; nothing more than a guy's name; we decided the most powerful and important office on the fucking planet is to be filled by somebody who hasn't run anything but his mouth for a good 20 years.

Nobody can tell us they know exactly what horrors this bunch has in store for us, but I think I can be pretty sure most of it will seem like a good idea to about half of us and turn out to be unworkable for everybody except the few who have a vested interest in nothing but pretending their policy ideas are amazingly awesome long enough to cash in on them.

Do ya dig what's been happening in Kansas and Michigan and Wisconsin?

Do ya think all that shit with The Bundy Boys was just a kind of spontaneous protest, and not a practical demonstration of The Useful Fool?

I'll stop before I get myself too worked up - no point in reiterating the arguments against Trump's election or the brand of "conservative" that's anything but conservative; and there's nothing to be gained by going full Paranoid Nutball - yet.

Suffice to say we handed the power to a gang of thieves. They have the Executive and the Legislative branches, and they can now proceed to stack SCOTUS so they can move all the shitty laws onto the books that will Make America Look Nothing Like America.  They'll have to do something kinda drastic about the filibuster, but this bunch hasn't been shy about "fuck your minority rights", so - yeah.

Tax cuts, deficits, piling on the debt, which means more spending - this is Trump, kids - there will be lots and lots of spending.  And we gotta pay for it somehow.  Anybody in the market for a gently-used National Park?


Ooh - I know - let's strip out the Social Security Trust Fund, turn it over to the Wall Street Banksters and let them make a great big pile of bonuses for themselves, while feeling deeply sorry that the benefits will have to be cut back (again - shared sacrifice, y'know) in order to compensate for fluctuations in the markets that simply couldn't have been foreseen, even though we've been colluding with our Trading Buddies around the world to arbitrage the pricing and create a nice little Churning Effect so we can syphon off enough cash to feel insulated from the homicidal mob you'll be forming once you idiots realize we've been playing you for suckers again.

And that's just the weird shit that goes on here at home - can't wait to see how creatively this bugbrain can choke when he has to go up against somebody who actually knows their way around.

Trump is not the only moron we have to worry about - it's all those other subordinate morons too.

We have no idea just how enormous this clusterfuck is about to get.

Nov 8, 2016

Roosts And Roosters

Bob Cesca at Salon:
One of the many long term side effects of the Watergate fiasco was the sudden demystification of the American presidency. Not only did this spark the idea that the office can be held by anyone, regardless of expertise or accomplishment, but it also helped to manufacture the ill-conceived notion that presidents should be just like us. From there, cable news kingpins like Roger Ailes and political operatives like Karl Rove sold politicians to voters by packaging them for “the folks” — as “guys we’d like to have a beer with.” We’ve been instructed for too many years that plain-spoken leaders are better than well-educated, well-qualified ones. It’s a shallow, comfort-food selling point that never should’ve existed. Our priority shouldn’t be to elect someone just like you or me. We should demand, if not utterly fight for leaders who are far superior and exponentially more disciplined than we are.
Trump has done serious damage to our presidential ideals.

About Those Evangelicals

The best way to get a clear understanding of what these guys are really saying is to substitute "me" or "my" or "mine" whenever you hear the word "god". 

Via Mock Paper Scissors, here's Reverend Fishdicks:

Nov 7, 2016


Sometimes, there really is somebody out to gitcha.  Sometimes, it's just dumb luck they don't.  And sometimes, you get lucky because the guys trying to get you are a buncha dumb fuckin' snakes.

Today's Keith

...first, Scottie Nell Hughes is a precious gift from the angels.

And now, Mr Olbermann:

More Silly Video

hat tip = Facebooker Vicki W-E

This Just In

Exclusive video from inside the Trump Scampaign® - as Donald experiences the effects that typically accompany Twitter Withdrawal.

Unconfirmed reports also suggest he was a bit miffed at the whole Comey SNAFU.

The Trump Scampaign®

Aside from a few - Jeb, Kasich, McCain, and some others - Repubs "running" for POTUS have had a distinct aroma. Take it, John:

It's been said before, by people smarter than me - and as such, bears repeating as long as the grass grows and the wind blows - Trump is not some kind of weird anomaly. Trump is doing what the GOP has spent 30 years telling their voters to look for, and prodding them to vote for.

And BTW - try not to think about the fact that Nu-Skin is very much the reason Jason Chaffetz is in office:
Accused in several states of operating an illegal pyramid scheme, the Provo-based multilevel marketing firm has decided to mount an offensive. Nu Skin takes issue with the way national and local media have portrayed the company."Enough is enough," said Jason Chaffetz, Nu Skin administrative assistant for public relations. "We're frustrated and disturbed that a number of inaccuracies continue to be perpetuated."

One Last Thing Before Tomorrow

Nov 6, 2016

Trump Tweets

Today's Pix

Today's SNL Clip

Today's Tweet

(Oops.  I had a great Tweet for this, but I fucked up embedding it - sorry about that. I'll try to find it again and fix it for ya.)

Anyway - this is supposed to be a clever dig against the Purity Police, but like I said, I blew it.
You're not pushing people away from Hillary so much as you're pushing people away from taking part in the process. You're reinforcing the thinking that maybe they can't take the chance of "voting for the wrong one" so they won't vote at all.

Low turnout favors the bad guys - it always favors the bad guys - it's why the bad guys are always trying to keep people from voting - because when everybody votes, the bad guys lose.

You're doing the GOP's work for them, and you should stop doing that.

You don't have to say anything good about Clinton, and you can go back to slagging her all you want after Tuesday.  And I promise, if you just manage to shut up for a few more days, your farts will still smell as sweet to you as they apparently do now.

hat tip = Facebook buddy BD

Nov 5, 2016