Apr 3, 2017

This New Thing

Since it's pretty obvious Putin is waging war against us in Cyberspace, somebody needs to explain to me why 45* is pushing us so hard to waste our time energy and money increasing our capability for fighting wars in Meatspace.

What was that thing we were supposed to remember about stuff like this? 

Oh yeah.

Politicians and generals always insist on starting out by fighting the previous war

GOP - Strategy Illustrated

Today's Internet Theme

Eventually, we'll hear about somebody quitting a job at the White House so they can spend less time with their family.
--thirty-blue million people online

Today's Tweet

Apr 2, 2017


File this one under "about fucking time".

Republicans got an administration that is morally small. Trump’s proposed budget would require massive cuts in disease research, global development and agricultural programs — just as a famine gathers a hideous strength. The proposed budget practices random acts of gratuitous cruelty.

This is a pretty bad combination: empty, easily distracted, vindictive, shallow, impatient, incompetent and morally small. This is not the profile of a governing party.
But then, I look a little closer, and I see the standard "moderate sensible conservative" thing goin' on.

Gerson is providing a way for Repubs to put some distance between themselves and 45* - as usual (driftglass nails this one pretty consistently).

As soon as the voters act on the bullshit that guys like Gerson are always flacking at them, guys like Gerson are always quick to bail.

  1. Take whatever shitty things the GOP has been up to and tie them all to (eg) a president
  2. Pretend you were never actually in favor of the shitty things "this president has done" (which gives every rube the rationalization for denying ever having voted for that phony traitorous bastard)
  3. Make sure nobody even mentions his name at the next convention
  4. Find the next guy to front for your fuckery and start again at 1
You may have noticed a slight change in the last dozen or so years.

First of course, there was apparently no such thing as a Republican President since Reagan. And there was no Republican majority anywhere in DC or any of the states where some really shitty things were happening to the GOP's most faithful voters.

Second, rather suddenly in the last few years, not that many folks are doing a whole lotta talking about Reagan either. Possibly because even the dumbest rubes have started to think a little - and they're thinking the Golden Era of the 80s is beginning to look more and more like a very long time ago.

And the kicker - what we've known for a good long time: they've been promised all kinds of sparkly results in return for their party loyalty, but what they've been delivered is little more than balloon filler.

BTW - that Gerson piece was very boiler-platey. We can now look forward to the followup which will attempt to nail it down in terms of "Trumpism" (in order to further distance the GOP from the guy they pimped at us - the guy carrying their fucking flag), and shoehorning it all back into the usual Yeah-But-The-Democrats-Both-Sides bullshit.

Today's Toon

I may have done this one already, but it's just too good - especially the bite marks on his butt.

Apr 1, 2017

A Podcast

And the winning phrase for this week is:

"Your government turned itself inside out to try to find a way to rationalize the lunatic ravings of an asshole."

I wake up every morning realizing I've survived to fight one more day

Mar 31, 2017

Maybe We Should Lose Sandwich Joe

Patton Oswalt

Tech Today

So, I needed to clean the ol' iMac today, and I can do that best by standing behind it. This makes for less wear and tear on my wrists and arms, but since I have to look around the side or over the top, it's hard to tell the difference between what's there legitimately and what needs to be gone.

Thinking it was a bit of snot or phlegm or mayonnaise or whatever, I just spent close to a full minute trying to scrub the cursor off my computer screen.

It occurs to me that I may be spending way too much time calling other people stoopid.

Today's GIF

Today's Resistance

The GOP fucks us over by knocking down FCC privacy regs, so here's one small thing we can do to fuck 'em back.

Every day, I go to Google to look something up - OK OK, every day, I go to Google about 40-leven times to look something up.

But every time, before I do anything else, I Google these:

Fuck Comcast
Fuck AT&T
Fuck the GOP
Fuck American oligarchy
Fuck Google Analytics
Fuck autoplay video ads

And I do it a dozen or more times each. Once you type it in and hit ENTER, all you have to do is click in the search box and hit ENTER again.

The Google Bomb works - ask Rick Santorum.

Takes maybe 90 seconds for the whole thing.

Show your discontentment. Fight back.


John Oliver from 2014

A Closer Look

Seth Meyers