Feb 18, 2016

Donito Trumpelini Speaks

Today's Shitty-Trump-Thing is basically about the standard Trump tactic of listening for somebody to say almost anything even the tiniest bit critical of him, and using it as justification for a massive counterattack - not to answer the criticism, but to pump up his own image as a strong leader.  If this isn't the behavior of a despot (aka: school bus bully turned "politician"), please tell me what is.

And just in case you missed it, at about the 1:45 mark, when Trump is blathering on about how tough he'll be on ISIS, he actually slags the US military as it is now.  I understand that he means it to be a charge of incompetence against Obama, but he says basically that all of our current military leaders are crap: "... if we had a General MacArthur; if we had a General George Patton - I mean, they'd be gone before they had time to go over and check it out. OK? It's a ridiculous situation."  If I'm a general officer in any branch of uniformed service, I'd be voting for just about anybody but this guy.

But wait - Generals and Colonels are more than egotistical enough to think that if they put this guy in power, they could manipulate him so they could run the joint from their own desks.  Which is almost exactly what happened with GW Bush, and why the GOP wants another Empty Vessel POTUS - like Rubio or Jeb.

I really hope they're not thinking Trump isn't smart enough, and unscrupulous enough, to turn the federal government into one big bloody knife fight.

In the end though, I still think this is the next step in Trump trying to find his exit.  He's finally gotten around to taking a big runny shit on the US Military's head - let's see if anybody actually notices, but then let's take a long look at anybody who steps up to say, "Thanks for the hat, Mr Trump."

Deep Thought

Try not to over-think it once you notice that the word "studying" seems like a mashup of "student" and "dying".

Today's Tweet

Not the most current, but hits it on the head where Ms Fiorina is concerned, and so it should be noted.

Feb 16, 2016

Canada For President

That Rubio Spot

Senator Big Gulp is trying so hard.

(This is the one that features a skyline shot of a Canadian city - oops)

Look, Marco, only one guy's allowed to be Ronald Reagan and that guy's been dead for a dozen years; almost a quarter of your life.  You gotta hitch up your short little pants, buckaroo.  Walking around in Daddy's shoes was pretty darn cute for a while, but it's time to stop pretending and start doing for yourself.  

I guess I'd just like to give you a knowing smile and send you out into the big beautiful world with a pat on the head - but I'm afraid your hair would break and I'd get slivers in my hand and it'd be a big mess and - well, just go on ahead, little man.  

But seriously, stop pimpin' Reagan's corpse like that; it's just kinda gross.

Feb 14, 2016

Today's Tweet

This is just plain fuckin' genius.

It'd scare fuck-all outa Clarence Thomas, wouldn't it?  And it'd keep Senate amoeb-licans busy for months - especially if the White House made a show of bringing somebody in to shepherd the nominee thru the process; somebody like Alan Simpson maybe (not that he'd do it, but fuck me, that'd be fun). There's a knife-fighter out there somewhere looking for his shot at shoving something of substance up a few asses on the hill.

Half of the GOP might actually suspect that Obama's just fuckin' with 'em now and they'd  pull back a little, but ya gotta know the others would be happily scrambling to find ways to fuck her over which will let a bunch of them in for a nice little beating come November by providing some extra motivation the Dems can use to drive people out to the polls.  They'll need it to overcome the problems caused by voter ID.

Do it.

On A Sunday Evening

So Desiderata is making the rounds again, and I just can't let that shit go unchallenged - not when there's this:

Feb 13, 2016

Debate Tweets


"Conservative" icon Antonin Scalia dies, and we can absolutely count on at least one of his fellow "conservatives" to pay him great honor and respect by tweeting out a picture that's NOT Antonin Scalia.

Senator Ron Johnson is a seriously doltish meathead who probably couldn't find his ass with a guide and a fucking GPS.

The good news is that Russ Feingold is back and could end up kicking this turd muffin to the curb.

Seriously - what the fuck is wrong with these guys?

Take Good Care Of Your Mother

The oceans on this planet comprise 99% of all livable habitat.

Inquiring Minds, featuring Marah Hardt

"I never drink water - have you any idea what fish do in water?" --(not really) WC Fields

Today's Toon

Feb 12, 2016

The Patriots

The pinnacle of historical esteem is when people write songs about you and your exploits.  I guess there's some kind of opposite thing happening when they do it as satire(?)

The Ballad Of The Malheur Patriots  --Laura Sams and Garrett Palm

Today's Tweet

It takes a writer like Fallows to see the "enormity" of the problem and then express it in fewer words rather than more.

Today's GIF

Feb 11, 2016

Goober Squad Update

The last of the militia schmucks in Oregon gave it up today and surrendered to the FBI.

So, of course, I had to bop over to Fox Nation to check on the reactions of the Guano Clan - and also too because trolling those mush-brains is just too damned fun.

Today's best troll comment:

The System Ain't Broke

...it's fixed.

And Then There Were 7

And the question now is - will they let Jim Gilmore into the next debate?  I mean - gee whiz  - he was only 6300 votes outa 8th place in New Hampshire.  And you gotta have an odd number so you can make sure Trump's always at center stage.  C'mon, guys, think. 

Feb 10, 2016

Today's WIngnut

Some of these wackos are giving wackos a bad name.

The Purge for Purity is just plain silly if you're concluding that a rapacious privatizing rent-seeking asshole like Paul Ryan doesn't quite measure up to your Assholery Specifications.