Jun 25, 2016

Today's Podcast

The Professional Left

Main point: a theme is emerging - has emerged - that Trump isn't really a Republican. He's zomby-fied enough GOP rubes to get this far, but "we" hafta stop him before he destroys "our" beloved Republican Party.

'Scuse me?  Donald Trump has gathered more Republican Votes in the primaries than any other Republican candidate ever.  Donald Trump is going to the convention with more than enough committed delegates - he has 305 more than he needs.  He could wipe his ass with those 305 people, and Cruz plus Kasich would still be 200 delegates short.

Donald Trump is the GOP now, because all those GOP voters voted for him - see how that works?  He owns what the "Repub Establishment" has been building for the last 30 fucking years.

And also too - driftglass and Blue Gal have been saying exactly that for a long long time.

BTW - Trump read The Snake at a rally back in January, and it's been rattling around in my head ever since, and this is what eventually came tumbling out: When a politician (or a silver-tongued devil of a salesman) spins a yarn obviously intending to warn you, there's a fair probability he's making a subconscious effort to tell you something about himself.  And keep in mind, a guy like Trump is always thinking and talking about himself.


Today's Quote

Jun 24, 2016

What's Up With That?

It's always the hair.  These guys show up and they look weird as hell, and it's always something about their hair, and we're like - "What? Look at his hair, man. Anybody lookin' that goofy has to be pretty harmless, right?"

It should be a dead give-away by now, but we still fall for it - 




Lupica Brings It

Mike Lupica on Morning Joe:

Coupla things:

Ari Melber: Dude - land the plane.  If you have a point to make, then make the fuckin' point.

Nicole Wallace: Among the pimpiest of the pimps. She sat there and heard Lupica say it very plainly; and she knew exactly what Melber was trying to say; but she tries to position it as a matter of law; or nothing more than a way to use a political issue to get votes.  

Which is where (I hope) the Dems should be able to find their leverage - the guns issue is about what we mean when we say "American Values".  It's about being willing to make a conscious decision to change something in our lives - even if it means having to sacrifice something near and dear to us - in an effort to make life here in USAmerica Inc a little better for most of us, not to mention making life simply fucking possible for the 700 or 800 kids who get blown away every year because gutless wonders in the GOP think their NRA paychecks are more important than the lives of our kids.

Why are we allowing anybody to treat children like this - ours or anybody else's?  

It's The Morality, Stupid.

Today's GIF

I guess I always thought some guys were sitting around doodling and noodling and think-tanking or whatever, and they eventually worked it out because they were trying to work it out.

This makes me think there might've been a coupla random stoners just chillin' by the side of the road, watching the oxcart traffic and, having nothing else to do and nothing to distract them, they started to notice something and yada yada yada - wow - Math, motherfucker!

Today's Quote

“Consensual sex” is just sex. To say that implies that there is such a thing as “non-consensual sex”, which there isn’t. That’s rape. That is what it needs to be called. There is only sex or rape. Do not teach people that rape is just another type of sex. They are two very separate events. You don’t say “breathing swimming” and “non-breathing swimming”, you say swimming and drowning.  --Anonymous 

Jun 23, 2016

Today's Tweet

One of those 'N's in CNN stands for "news"
The other one stands for "not"


Today's Poe Wannabe

This guy is Poe's Law in reverse
...an Internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extreme views will be mistaken by some readers or viewers for sincere expressions of the parodied views.

(CAUTION: I could feel the IQ points dropping off my intellect the longer I listened)

Yeah - and what kids today really need is a dose of good ol' American hardship.  So let's go back to the 1950s when we could count on knowing that at least one of the neighbor kids would be killed or crippled by Polio or Whooping Cough or Scarlet Fever or a car crash because seatbelts are for pussies.  Back when things were so much better here in God's Own USAmerica Inc, that the Death Rate for children was 10 times what it is now.

And no, of course he's not a raging bigot - he just liked it a lot better back when all those scary black people didn't have the same rights as the rest of us.

Fake Lord have mercy.

These assholes are serious about being deliberately stoopid, and this level of Weapons-Grade Dumfuckery just gets worse if we don't take every opportunity to stomp on it.

Jun 22, 2016

I'm So Un-PC

Sometimes, ya just gotta.

Today's PSA

Today's Anti-Trump

Lil Donny recently tried to make a case for being "good to the gays" or some such - the usual clumsy left-handed shit that falls out of his face every time he opens his yap.  Anyway, he was trying to pander to LGBTQ, and this started making the rounds:
"If gay people felt the least bit friendly towards Trump, one of us would've already done something about his makeup, and fixed that ridiculous thing on top of his head."

Today's Tweet

Today's GIF

Jun 21, 2016

Today's Silly Sports Analogy

Donald Trump was born on 2nd base, got to 3rd because his dad paid the next two batters to wait for an inside pitch and lean into it, then wandered into foul territory beyond the dugout thinking he'd go ahead and make a pass at the Ball Girl since he was out there anyway, tripped over the tarp and was eventually tagged out by the slowest catcher anybody's ever seen play the game - and now he's bitchin' about how everybody's so spiteful and jealous he hit the double that they're all trying to keep him from scoring the winning run in a game his team is trailing by 8. 

The Ablative Absolute

I've done this one before - or one like it.

The sentence structure of our 2nd amendment is important, and too many of us are either willing to be bamboozled by the Ammosexuals, or we're not willing to risk sounding soft and Librul on the issue of Gun Control.

Here's a bit I dug up in The Denver Post from a few years back:
The main argument about the amendment has always been a semantic one: What is meant? What is the intention? I use the present tense, because grammatical deconstruction is done in the here and now. We are not trying to divine intentions from our personal beliefs of what the Founders “stood for” or what they “believed.” The Founders are dead, but their words remain alive in the present, and their words, as well as their meticulous grammatical construction, leave no doubt as to their intentions.

Read these sentences:
“Their project being complete, the team disbanded.”
“Stern discipline being called for, the offending student was expelled.”
In both cases, the initial dependent clause is not superfluous to the meaning of the entire sentence: it is integral. The team disbanded because the project was complete; the student was expelled because his offense called for stern discipline. This causal relationship cannot be ignored. Reading the Second Amendment as “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed,” clearly shows the same causal relationship as the example sentences; in this case, that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed because it is essential to maintaining a well-regulated militia.
Words matter.  What those words meant to the people who wrote them 230 years ago can give us a decent perspective on what they thought was important back then and what can be carried forward to us all these years later, but that was way back then and this is right here right now. We have to deal with what's going on today.  We need laws that help us sort ourselves out now.  We need lawmakers and industry leaders who can see past their own profits and venal ambitions. And we need everybody to stop fuckin' around. Get something done. Now.

Cuz guess what, chicken butt - a coupla hundred more dead Americans since Orlando:
(the interactive map crapped out, so I put up this link to Slate instead)

Today's GIF

Jun 20, 2016

Trumpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall

We take you now to live coverage of the Donald Trump Campaign. 

But it ain't over yet - not by a long shot.
After sending out a tweet Monday dancing on ex-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski's grave, top adviser Michael Caputo admitted the tweet was "too exuberant" and resigned his post with Donald Trump's campaign.
When news broke that Corey Lewandowski had been ousted from the campaign following months of discord with other top staffers and Trump's adult children, Caputo tweeted, "Ding dong the witch is dead!", an allusion to the famed "Wizard of Oz" villain.

Today's Bullshit

From a good while back - some things just never change.

hat tip = FB pal VW-E

Colbert Explains

What - I gotta draw ya a fuckin' picture!?!

They Seem Like Such Nice Girls

My darling daughter got me to watch the opening episode of the new season of OITNB last night.  Here's the tune they chose to go with the closing credits. (NSFW)