Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Today's (creepy) GIF

Does this finally mean that Godwin's Law is just part of a buncha old intertoobz-ey shit that needs to be trashed already?

Today's Pix

Sam B Brings It

Let's review:
  1. Eggs ain't chickens
  2. Tadpoles ain't frogs
  3. Ain't nuthin' goin' on in my daughter's uterus that's any of your goddamned business
So fuck off, motherfucker. And then fuck off some more. And keep fucking off until you get all the way back here - and then fuck off again.

And let's try to remember that abortion restrictions have almost no effect on any woman living at or above the basic Middle Class level.  The women in Jagoff Dan Flynn's life will hop on a plane to Montreal or Vancouver (to visit an old friend - or to attend an important Jesus-ey thing), and be back all spiffed up, and in plenty of time to make Sunday services where I'm sure they'll be praying for re-election and for a god-sent firebomb to mysteriously destroy whatever's left of those evil Planned Parenthood clinics.  

This shit has nothing to do with health - women's or otherwise - it has everything to do with power.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Logic Error

Thinking it's pretty amazing that we can know this with such certainty and precision.  Yay nerds - not kidding - Fucking Yay Nerds.  

It gets real easy to imagine how eager the (eg) Mayan rubes would be to confer power on the guys who could predict a solar eclipse 8 or 9 hundred years ago and who would then claim it to be their ability to discern what was on the minds of their gods.

Then I think about people today still making claims they can channel a god thru all kinds of magical mystical bullshit, and who then presume to tell us what their god wants the law to be.

I get that the Magic, the Woo, the whatever; it's about power and politics.  It always comes down to that transactional thing where I disconnect part of my living thinking brain in trade for the warm fuzzy feeling of safety within the shelter of the herd, or the arms of a protector, or whatever I get in return for my willingness to self-infantalize - and I'm right back to thinking religion really is a mental illness.

Today's Tweet

Tunes For A Tuesday

Lake Street Dive via NPR Tiny Desk Concerts

Rachel Price - Lead vocal
Mike (McDuck) Olson - Guitar
Mike Calabrese - Drums
Bridget Kearney - Standing bass

"I Don't Care About You"
"How Good It Feels"
"Godawful Things"

Obama Bond

Why do they hate him?  

Cuz they know they wanna be - and they know they'll never be - this fucking cool.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Chris Rock Rocks

We might be talkin' about this for a while.

And this too.

Today's GIF

And Now We Know

Thinking about Trump's famous bit about "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

Now in the last coupla days:

I've been saying for a while that Trump wants out, and that all the weird shit he says is an attempt to find the exit. In that light, the decoded version of the quote sounded like this to me: "What do I have to do to get you idiots to let me go?"

But maybe I've been wrong (now there's a shocker, eh?).  Being wrong is part of the game - I'll prob'ly get over it.  

Anyway, if this is a real thing, then we've got a pretty simple equation: Voter = Customer.  To Trump, it doesn't matter what the customer thinks or says or does, as long as that customer shows up and spends - nobody's money (ie: vote) is worth more or less than anybody else's money (ie: vote).  So his ridiculously blatant pandering is just something he does because he's a good salesman who understands that his business is to grow his business.

What matters is that you make your numbers - plan your work and work your plan - the strategic goal is to achieve the strategic goals, and your tactics are of no great concern to executive management.  Just get me those results.

Putting it tritely - Trump is all about the end justifying the means. At the very least, he's exploiting an opportunity to upend what's left of a process that was intended to protect us from people like Donald Trump. It's not like he doesn't know that. Why would a good Rentier pass on a golden opportunity to own a controlling interest in USAmerica Inc?

There's a lot to look at concerning Process, and Lord knows the process has been getting bent up and fucked over for quite a while, and is long overdue for some serious refit, but we're supposed to be all about The Process here in USAmerica, and an awful lot of that process has been pimp-slapped in the usual way by people with the power to ignore the consequences of the law.

So we need to get back to caring about - and caring for - the process.  And here's the short-cut version of it all: In a democracy, the death of process is nothing less that the death of the democracy itself.

Stay together. Work together. Get shit done.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday's For The Blues

Back To The Blues --Dinah Washington

Today's Bernie

Bernie really gets it sometimes.  We've allowed ourselves to be suckered into thinking that a kind of selective (if not arbitrary) authoritarian crap is what our Justice System is supposed to be about.

And BTW - it's a pretty simple parlay to connect the fucked-up-edness of our legal system with the total FUBAR of the Corporate Prisons Industry.

Stay in line or they'll fuck you up - just because they can.

Today's Video

Thursday, February 25, 2016

One Last Shot

Conventional wisdom has it that tonight's shit fight at the monkey house GOP Debate could be the last time we see what's left of that ol' gang of our'n. 

And in keeping with the best of all possible traditions, Matt Taibbi has issued the following update on the rules of the game:


1. The first time (and first time only) one of the candidates compares himself to St. Ronald Reagan.

2. When Ben Carson complains that nobody's calling on him.

3. At the phrases "Great state of Texas," "Don't mess with Texas," or "Everything's bigger in Texas." Double if that last one comes from Trump in a suggestive tone. Triple-shot if Trump says "Everything except Marco is bigger in Texas."

4. If Cruz mentions he's from Texas more than five times. Take an additional shot for each time after that.

5. Every time someone jokes about Jeb Bush no longer being there. Double if the essence of the joke is that it's hard to tell the difference.

6. When Kasich makes a speech or comment whose essence is, "Well, excuse me for being sane, but…" Drink also if a moderator calls Kasich a "moderate."

7. When anyone calls anyone else a "liar."

8. Whenever any of the non-Trump candidates calls him a "closet Democrat" or "not a conservative."

9. Whenever anyone mentions Cruz's "dirty tricks."

10. When Carson recites lines from the Bible or the Constitution.

11. When any candidate mentions being the son/grandson of a hardworking bartender/mail carrier/housecleaner/etc. and therefore is not just a believer in the American Dream, but a product of it.

12. Whenever Trump mocks someone's poll numbers.


Players may want to make side-bets as to what happens more often: Cruz reminding the audience that he's Texan, or Trump reminding them that Cruz is from Canada. We can have a bonus shot if Cruz mentions his Texan-ness only to have Trump immediately call him a Canadian Texan.

Lastly, I propose we create a toast in honor of the recently fallen. Instead of saying "Cheers" or "Prost," we might say, before drinking, "Chris Christie was a federal prosecutor."

(Read more: Rolling Stone)

Take It, Charlie

The inestimable national treasure that is Charles Pierce:
This is the essence of what he's about. He, Trump will tame the beast of government. He, Trump personally will bring back jobs. He, Trump personally will solve the immigration problem by building a wall and making other people pay for it. He, Trump personally will intimidate China and outmaneuver Russia into accepting American leadership in the world. And all we have to do to gain these little bits of paradise is to bestir our stumps in November, vote for He, Trump, and then sit back and watch the show. Jesus H. Christ on a white grand piano, and people say Bernie Sanders is offering "free stuff."