Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

With Apologies To Click & Clack

When you've got a guy who knows nothing, and you put him together with other guys who know nothing, it's possible to break thru the lower limits of ignorance to achieve a state of knowing even less than nothing.

The 45* administration is making a valiant attempt to prove this hypothesis.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017

Today's Tweet

Daddy State Derangement Syndrome

The only thing missing is the beheading of a hostage at the end.

hat tip = @JackSmithIV

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Philosophy Explained

Heraclitus - You can't eat the same donut twice

Plato - A donut shares its ideal donut-ness with all other donuts

Aristotle - A donut's donut-ness is self-contained

Augustine - A donut must achieve grace to become fully donut

Descartes - The donut hole proves the existence of the donut

Locke - Donuts taste good to me

Hume - Donuts exist because I imagine donuts

Kant - Each donut equals my total donut experience

Wollstonecraft - Women deserve donuts too

Mill - Donuts are good if they make people happy

Kierkegarde - I have faith in the deliciousness of donuts

Marx - Everybody deserves a donut

Nietzsche - Stop at nothing to get your donut

Saussure - Beignet/Krapfen/Ciambella/Buรฑuelo: they are all equally donut

Wittgenstein - Fried pastry, zero, spare tire, whatever

Beauvoir - White patriarchal domination is responsible for the shape and the self-defeating inadequacy of the donut

Raised Right

It's not so much a dog's poor behavior that bugs the fuck outa me - the dog's being a dog. What grates on the conservative bits of me soul is the human who insists on off-loading some of his responsibility for that dog's behavior onto everybody else. Anybody else actually.

Your dog is not a fashion accessory. And it's not furniture - it's not part of the decor intended to round out some idiotic fantasy image of American family life.

Have some respect for yourself and for your neighbors and for the dog - take the whole thing seriously enough to make the effort to train the dog properly.

You own the dog. You own the responsibility - all of it.

Today's Tweet

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Tiny Desk (redux)

I posted this one a good while back. It's worth a repeat or 5.


Set List
Slow Motion

And some more.

Phox - Phox

We Knew It Goin' In

Yo, suckers -

He told you who he is. And he told you what he intended to do.  We all told you.

Every time he makes an accusation he's confessing.
Everything he brags about is something he feels inadequate about.
Every time he warns us about some dire result, it's either because that's what he's doing now or what he's threatening to punish us with if we don't do what he says.

Classic Daddy State.

The Professional Left

Episode 383: The Joints Chiefs and pudding for 45*

It's A Loop

Feel what you feel
Deal with what you can deal with
Express it as best you can
Whatever happens next is what happens next
Start again at the top

Today's Tweet


Bill Maher last night

Friday, April 07, 2017

New Cuts

Leon Bridges

Better Man
Smooth Sailin'
Coming Home
Twistin' and Groovin'
There She Goes
Pull Away
So Long

Mississippi Kisses

Or try this link: