Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label civil war redux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label civil war redux. Show all posts

Monday, June 05, 2017

Some Hard Truth

The fight for what's right continues apace.

Adam Serwer in The Atlantic:

The strangest part about the continued personality cult of Robert E. Lee is how few of the qualities his admirers profess to see in him he actually possessed.

Memorial Day has the tendency to conjure up old arguments about the Civil War. That’s understandable; it was created to mourn the dead of a war in which the Union was nearly destroyed, when half the country rose up in rebellion in defense of slavery. This year, the removal of Lee’s statue in New Orleans has inspired a new round of commentary about Lee, not to mention protests on his behalf by white supremacists.

The myth of Lee goes something like this: He was a brilliant strategist and devoted Christian man who abhorred slavery and labored tirelessly after the war to bring the country back together.

There is little truth in this. Lee was a devout Christian, and historians regard him as an accomplished tactician. But despite his ability to win individual battles, his decision to fight a conventional war against the more densely populated and industrialized North is considered by many historians to have been a fatal strategic error.

To describe this man as American hero requires ignoring the immense suffering for which he was personally responsible, both on and off the battlefield. It requires ignoring his participation in the industry of human bondage, his betrayal of his country in defense of that institution, the battlefields scattered with the lifeless bodies of men who followed his orders and those they killed, his hostility towards the rights of the freedmen and his indifference to his own students waging a campaign of terror against the newly emancipated. It requires reducing the sum of human virtue to a sense of decorum and the ability to convey gravitas in a gray uniform.

There are former Confederates who sought to redeem themselves—one thinks of James Longstreet, wrongly blamed by Lost Causers for Lee’s disastrous defeat at Gettysburg, who went from fighting the Union army to leading New Orleans’ integrated police force in battle against white supremacist paramilitaries. But there are no statues of Longstreet in New Orleans; there are no statues of Longstreet anywhere in the American South. Lee was devoted to defending the principle of white supremacy; Longstreet was not. This, perhaps, is why Lee was placed atop the largest Confederate monument at Gettysburg in 1917, but the 6’2” Longstreet had to wait until 1998 to receive a smaller-scale statue hidden in the woods that makes him look like a hobbit riding a donkey. It’s why Lee is remembered as a hero, and Longstreet is remembered as a disgrace.

The white supremacists who have protested on Lee’s behalf are not betraying his legacy. In fact, they have every reason to admire him. Lee, whose devotion to white supremacy outshone his loyalty to his country, is the embodiment of everything they stand for. Tribe and race over country is the core of white nationalism, and racists can embrace Lee in good conscience.

The question is why anyone else would.

Tuesday, April 04, 2017


Uhh - was Mr Jones threatening a US Congress member with bodily harm?

Secret Service might wanna hear about that one: 202-406-5708

And maybe the Capitol Police as well: (202) 225-0911

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

The So Called President

WaPo has a bit today about 45* saying he'll blame the Press Poodles and The Judiciary if there's a terrorist attack in USAmerica Inc.
President Trump appears to be laying the groundwork to preemptively shift blame for any future terrorist attack on U.S. soil from his administration to the federal judiciary, as well as to the media.
In recent tweets, Trump personally attacked James L. Robart, a U.S. district judge in Washington state, for putting “our country in such peril” with his ruling that temporarily blocked enforcement of the administration’s ban on all refugees as well as citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States.
“If something happens blame him and the court system. People pouring in. Bad!” Trump wrote in a tweet Sunday.
Then on Monday, Trump seemed to spread that blame to include news organizations. In a speech to the U.S. Central Command, the president accused the media of failing to report on some terrorist attacks for what he implied were nefarious reasons.
First of all, the piece makes it clear that we should all know by now that this is a guy who'll do anything to duck his responsibilities.

Second, anybody in any position to know something about such things is fully aware that an attack on US soil is the proverbial "when-not-if" proposition. 

But also too, since every attack in the US in the last 15 years or so can be attributed either to homegrown assholes or other assholes who're here legally, we have to conclude the system is working well enough to have been 100% effective in keeping Bad-Apple Refugees outa this joint.  So this is a very obvious and very standard play for power.

45* knows people fall for Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc assertions all the time. He's already taken credit for the Santa Claus Rally in December, and more recently, the good jobs report from Obama's last month in office.  So he can take credit for "preventing terror attacks" if his Muslim Ban sticks, and he's setting the stage for blaming Refugees for the attack he knows is coming eventually, as well as shifting his own responsibility onto his designated enemies when it does happen.

The only question is - are there enough rubes out there willing to Etch-A-Sketch their way into accepting this bullshit? Well, if November 8, 2017 was any indication - yeah, plenty of rubes. Still plenty of rubes.

And there're plenty of Republican (and other "conservative") office-holders willing to stay quiet while Trump plays the rubes for suckers because they reap nice fat bennies too.

And they're getting plenty of inadvertent assistance from "Progressives" willing to be kept  out of the game by going along with guys like Thom Hartman as he slags the US with the generous and freedom-loving assistance of Putin's version of DumFux News, aka Russia Today.  Paralysis By Analysis works wonders on reasonable people who feel a little reluctant to jump in and offer a full-throated defense of (eg) politicians they feel are less-than-fully-honorable.

And and and

So the question is - will there be enough people willing to stand up and defend against these assholes in six or eight months when the Outrage Fatigue really starts to kick in?

Monday, January 23, 2017

With Apologies To Mr Truman

Sarah Cooper - on psychological warfare:
“But reporters were clapping and laughing, they loved it.”  — a commenter defending Trump’s first press conference.
“But members of the CIA were clearly laughing at his jokes and clapping, so what he was saying couldn’t have been inappropriate.”  — CNN pundit defending Trump’s CIA speech where he talked about his war with the media, in front of a memorial to men and women who lost their lives in actual wars.
The clapping and laughing you hear in both instances are Trump’s own people. They are sycophants who he brings to cheer him on and make it seem like what he’s saying is being well-received. And it’s working.
The laugh track was invented to cue the audience to the jokes and encourage laughter in response. But it has another effect: if you hear people laughing and you’re not, you start to question if maybe there’s something wrong with you for not getting it. You might even impulsively start laughing just to fit in, not because you think anything is funny. In fact that’s how these fluffers work — one person initiates a clap and suddenly everyone thinks there’s something to clap for. And then everyone is clapping. For no reason.
It's business and it's politics. It's the business of politics, and the merging of politics with business, wrapped in the flag and blessed by the church. The result is the institutionalized hyper-corruption-on-steroids called Fascism. In that system especially, if you wanna friend, buy a dog.

I won't be forgiving of willful ignorance. I won't be tolerant of Alternative Facts. I won't be quiet about it.

And while I'll always try not to be deliberately unkind to you, understand that I'll fail in that regard on occasion, because I won't treat you like a child by tiptoeing around your delicate sensibilities.

I'm really not trying to be an asshole about it - it just seems like too many people are trying to make it impossible for me not to be.

So put all of this under "Sorry-Not-Sorry-But".

If you come in here without a helmet,
you might leave with some brain damage.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Today's Tweet

Slag her all ya want, guys.  She's earned it.  And she knows she's earned it.  And she's proud of having earned it.

For 25 years, she's been taking the training to do exactly that, at exactly that moment. 

Limbaugh, Coulter, Boortz, Savage, Cavuto - they've been teaching her that what really matters is to make "The Libruls" mad.  That's the only test.  If "The Libruls" get pissed off, then you're on the right track.  Do anything, say anything - it doesn't even have to make sense cuz making sense is what "The Libruls" try to do. So just come out with whatever you find when you unpack all that weird shit way down deep in the lizard part of your brain (which, of course, you're absolutely sure isn't even there); now say it.  And watch "The Libruls" gag.  And you'll know you're right.

Try it.  It's easy.  

Somebody needs to start a betting pool on when the lid comes off this motherfucker, and we get our first real donnybrook / fracas / melee / gunfight whatever.

I'm taking sometime before midnight on March 31.

And with apologies to Gil Scott Heron, this little dance party is gonna be on everything that even remotely resembles a TV screen. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Goober Squad Busted

First - I'm sorry Mr Finicum is dead.  I think that's what he wanted - he said as much - but I'm hoping Mrs Finicum and all the little Finicums find good ways to get past it.

Meanwhile, we might have some fun watching as these militia rubes fall to squabbling internally due to the rumors (aka: bullshit) and false reports about how Finicum was killed.

These nuts maintain a diet rich in paranoid conspiracy and an awful lot of 'em are absolutely determined to believe anything they're told as long as it fits the framing of "Gubmint always bad - Camo Goobers always good."  

Makes me wonder what happens now that "two of their own", Mark McConnell and Melvin Lee, are saying 'calm down' and 'let's be sensible' and 'what you've heard about the feds murdering Lavoy isn't true', etc. 


If their own guys are seen as failing the "purity test" (which of course was never clearly defined, because it can't actually be defined because who the fuck died and made you the fuckin' pope?), factional splits get real big real quick, and they get to runnin' in tighter and tighter circles chasing each other's tails, and before ya know it, they disappear up each other's assholes. (sounds like a certain political party don't it?) 

It's nice to think the rest of these Y'all-Qaeda cells will just disintegrate and reabsorb.  And some of that should happen - there are some people in this "movement" who can think, and generally, when those people are shown that some of the folks in positions of leadership are very obviously bug-fucking crazy, they tend to split.  And if they really can think for themselves, they'll know the fight's over; they lost; and they were on the wrong side anyway. 

There's also some probability that the remaining Goober Leaders are trying to figure how best to use Finicum's death.  

"See?  The Gubmint is big and dangerous. If we're gonna win this thing, we have to fight smart.  Lavoy Finicum didn't fight smart.  Lavoy Finicum is fuckin' dead now."

Lotsa moves left to play out.  This shit ain't over.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Today's Tweet

So which way do we go on this one?  

Blue Lives Matter? 
Khaki Lives Matter?  
Support The Troops?
Save Our Vets?

One faction of Uber-Patriots fighting against other factions of Uber-Patriots, and all of a sudden, it's like we don't even have a fucking country anymore.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Today In Y'all Qaeda Land

Here's a pretty good look at the latest Wingnut Clusterfuck going on in Oregon, from Al Jazeera:

hat tip = FB friend DR

Yes, it's Al Jazeera.  And yes, it's biased.  And yes, we have to get used to the fact that nobody's really doing good journalism anymore, so we have to be able to sort thru the shit on our own.

And here's a related bit from Raw Story:
The Bundys have voiced support for a variety of right-wing fringe ideas, particularly the “posse comitatus” notion that no legitimate governments exist above the county level, and they believe in no higher law authority than the county sheriff.
However, posse members have embedded an implicit threat in their belief system.
If the sheriff violates his oath of office, as determined by the right-wing extremists themselves, “he shall be removed by the posse to the most populated intersection of streets in the township and at high noon be hung by the neck, the body remaining until sundown as an example to those who would subvert the law.”
The main point here is that there's not a dime's worth of difference between what these jagoffs are doing in places like Oregon and what their counterpart jagoffs are doing in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Jagoff is as jagoff does, Forrest.

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The Farce Awakens

"... we're not about fear; we're not about force; we're not about intimidation ..."  

That's why your action is considered an "armed occupation of federal property"?  And you brought all the guns because you have no intention of threatening violence or making a show of force?  


BTW - Messianic much, Mr Bundy?  

Here's the thing, schmuck - maybe you and the Goober Squad could just go the fuck home and let the good folks in Harney County decide what's best for the good folks in Harney County.  Could we try that?

Sunday, January 03, 2016

The Bundy Redux

Civil Disobedience being in the eye of the beholder, I'm not at all sure what it is specifically, but there's a fair degree of certainty that what's going on in Oregon ain't it.

There's so much happening, and so many flips and turns, and so much that's gone before that leads up to this, it's hard to find the room to step back far enough to get the whole picture.

One of the big things is that outfits like The Bundy Gang have been playing this "I'm not gonna be da gubmint's bitch" game for a very long time.  Well sorry-not-sorry, guys, but you're not the government's bitch.  You're Sheldon Adelson's bitch. You're Charlie Koch's bitch.  You're Roger Ailes's bitch.  You've been lied to and manipulated into being pissed off at all the wrong people.  Which makes you a very useful bitch for anybody with a sizable media budget, who plays on your need for martyrdom and pity in order to hide his own power-grabbing agenda.  In the old story, you're Guy of Gisborne to Rush Limbaugh's Prince John.  Not to put too fine a point on it for ya, Sparky, but you're on the wrong fucking side. Again.

So anyway -

Nobody ever taught these moochers about The Tragedy Of The Commons. They see "open land" that belongs to all Americans; they need to expand their operation to make it pay for an expanding clan of (eg) Bundy kids; and so they believe in their hearts that they can just take what they need because all that land is right there and they feel entitled to it.

And none of that ever registers as ironic in their pea-pickin' little brain pans.  And if you try to teach them a little sumpthin' about how they have to share - or at least they have to pay for what they get - they go into that cornered-animal crouch and start whining about being the victims of Oppressive Gubmint again.  

These guys seem never to have matured past being hormone-poisoned teenagers.  They're subsumed by that deadly combination of ignorance and adolescent bravado which makes it impossible for them to know their conclusion can't be true when they start from a false premise.

--BTW: that last bit is Ayn Rand.  You remember Ayn Rand - the patron saint of your Radically Libertarian Douchenozzlery, right, Sparky?  Yeah, no - it never sounds like you remember shit about it even if you ever fucking read any of it.

I remember watching some Western on TV and the typical barroom brawl breaks out, and I asked my dad why everybody gets in on the fight when it was just a beef between two guys.  He told me something like - some jokers got nuthin' better to do than hang around waitin' for an excuse to punch somebody.  

So now we wait.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Just Thinking

Spit-ballin' may be a better word for what I'm doing, but no matter - this is just a silly blog that's practically invisible, so I get to blather away to my little heart's content.

Here in USAmerica Inc, we have an attention span roughly equivalent to the life expectancy of a meth-addicted fruit fly, so I'd better get this one bit of "thinking" out of my head and onto the InterToobz posthaste.

On the matter of The Confederate Battle Flag, and the various monuments and statues of the heroes of The CSA etc, here's the thing:

Ya gotta figure there were plenty of Tories left in this joint in about 1783, so I'm wondering why we don't see any statues or monuments in the USA commemorating George III.  And where are all those elementary schools named after Benastre Tarleton, and Charlie Cornwallis?  

It's a wonderment.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Today's Eternal Sadness

9 dead church-goers in Charleston SC.
Nine people were shot to death by a white man at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, on Wednesday night, the Charleston Police Department confirmed at a news conference early Thursday.
Calling it "the worst night of my career," Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen said the gunman entered the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church during a prayer meeting and opened fire. Eight people were found dead at the scene. Two others were transported to a hospital, where one later died.
None of the victims has been named by police. However, State House Minority leader Todd Rutherford said the church's pastor, state Sen. Clementa Pinckney, was among those killed, according to the Associated Press.
Can you say, "tone-deaf, Guv"?
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) also issued a statement, and urged people to pray for the victims and their families.
“While we do not yet know all of the details, we do know that we’ll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another,” she said. “Please join us in lifting up the victims and their families with our love and prayers.”
I'll now indulge myself in a little speculation while insisting on calling it an attempt to think a little more generally: We don't know what moved this one asshole to do this one incredibly shitty thing, but I'm thinking maybe part of that motivation has something to do with "conservatives" almost constantly setting Americans against one another by promoting policies that require Us-vs-Them choices (ie: "We don't have the money to take care of all those veterans because your Democrat neighbor is giving it all to The Welfare Moochers".  -or-  "Teachers are just a bunch of elitist union thugs with college diplomas, and they're teaching the children of hard-working patriotic Americans to hate Jesus."), and then shrugging it all off when something bad happens because of all that, saying, "Whoa - who coulda knowed?"

And then this:
A new study attempts to debunk the claim that gun owners rely on their firearms for self-defense.
The left-leaning Violence Policy Center released a study Wednesday that finds people are much more likely to use a gun to kill someone without cause than to protect themselves.

According to the study, gun owners committed 259 justifiable homicides compared to 8,342 criminal homicides in 2012, the most recent year data was available.

That means gun owners are 32 times more likely to kill someone without cause than to act in self-defense, the study reasoned.
First, I really don't know why this comes as any kinda news to anybody at this point.

But anyway, secondly, the American Civil War didn't end in 1865 - partly because it started a long time before 1861.  We just take breaks once in a while.  The shit is never very far below the surface, and it bubbles up in an amazing variety of ways.

And third - as kind of a recap - I just have to wonder about a certain brand of politics that  advocates violence (in a subtle plausibly deniable way of course) while refusing to limit the principle means of violence, and then pretends to be confused as to the connections that seem so obvious between the two.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

About CPAC

There is some common cause to be made - it's just ridiculously difficult to get anybody to drop their guard long enough to hear what "our side" is saying.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Kill 'Em All - Let God Sort 'Em Out

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." --Sinclair Lewis

I lost track of the contradictions and the fallacies just a few minutes in.

At about 11:00, this pops up on screen:
"Note: The statements made by Sargent (sic) Major Dan Page do not reflect the opinions of our local Oath Keepers Chapter, nor the national organization"
I'd kinda like to dismiss these blockheads as Peter Pan Patriots - guys who just can't quite get past the phase of their early adolescence that's marked (and sometimes dominated) by various Rescue Fantasies, but then, when my daughter's English assignment over the summer was reading Lord Of The Flies, I'm reminded how the seemingly idle tho'ts of boys can turn into deadly reality if you remove the rule of law; and as recent events might indicate, by removing the participation of citizens in their own governance.

People do things because other people do things that cause other people to do things. So maybe if we can figure out how to identify tin-plated martinets like Dan Page, we could then (while appropriately looking after their rights), isolate them and remove them from positions of power.

And then we can stop falling for the passive voice bullshit of "mistakes were made" or "shit happens" and get back to where we're actually holding people accountable instead of just gas-baggin' about it.

Nobody said it was gonna be easy.  Democratic self government is hard.  Guess what - it's supposed to be hard.  If it wasn't hard everybody'd be doin' it.  Hard is what makes it fucking great. (with apologies to Ganz and Mandell)

hat tip = Addicting Info

Thursday, August 14, 2014

It's A Wonderment

We can always count on the NRA to come up with something clever to say every time some dipwad kills somebody with a gun.

So I'm wondering why they've said nothing about how the folks in Ferguson wouldn't be having all these problems if they were all properly armed.

And since we're seeing some actual repression of people by an over-amped militarized local police force - as opposed (eg) to the phony crap that went down at the Bundy place in Nevada - where are all those valiant defenders of freedom?  Where is the Tea Party Militia?  Where are the Oath Keepers?

I'm really disappointed that the True Patriots haven't showed up yet - if for no other reason than to show the Murican Public once and for all that they aren't really the gun-sucking, whiny-butt-pussy, racist assholes we all know them to be.

Francis Wilkinson at Bloomberg went to the NRA website:
What I was looking for, of course, was outrage over "jack-booted thugs" terrorizing the populace. After fundraising and paranoia, outrage is the NRA's chief product. Whether it's President Barack Obama conspiring to subvert the constitution and strip citizens of self-defense, or former President Bill Clinton deliberately fomenting violent crime as a predicate to gun control, NRA leader Wayne LaPierre has always been extra vigilant about government's potential to abuse its police powers.
"If you have a badge" under the freedom-hating Clinton administration, he said in 1995, "you have the government's go-ahead to harass, intimidate, even murder law-abiding citizens."
I wonder: Has the shooting death of the Missouri teen traumatized LaPierre into silence?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Image Is A Thing

In the picture below, there are 5 guys clearly visible.

Only one of them is not dressed (and not behaving) in a manner which might indicate that he's looking for trouble.

I'm not saying there's anything that justifies the riots.  Sometimes, the reality of shitty circumstances plus the tears of impotent rage just kinda catch up with you and it all blows up in unpredictably unavoidable (and understandable) ways.

You may be at the protest to show a little solidarity with your community, and maybe to vent your spleen a little by yelling at the cops, but all it takes is for one jag-off to throw one bottle, and suddenly a really bad situation gets a whole lot worse.

Cuz here's the thing: Authoritarians will always provoke you into actions they can use to rationalize their intentions to lord their power over you.  Once that bottle is thrown, they have the excuse they were looking for all along.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

A Certain Sameness

Addicting Info ran a piece about how the Wingnut Militia Goons who were supposed to gather en masse along the US-Mexico border have come up just a tad bit short.
As it turns out, patrolling the border isn’t exactly the adventurous and glamorous life that right-wing militia members thought it would be.
In fact, the militias are all talk and no walk with internal disputes and just plain boredom leading to many armed vigilantes taking their weapons and going home.
Last month, a Minuteman militia member named Chris Davis announced via video a plan for stopping undocumented immigrant children from crossing the border. They’re idea? Aim guns at them and shoot if they don’t turn around and go back to the hell they’re escaping from. After catching much flak for it, the man who issued the call in the first place backed away from his words and removed the video. His plan failed and his hope for a groundswell of volunteers to militarize the border fizzled as well. Currently, Davis and a tiny band of militiamen are spread out along a wide swath of the border along three states.
So the effect here is pretty interesting.  These guys (prob'ly) got all het up about patrolling the border cuz they spend way too much time surfing the wingnut website whirlpool where every link they click on takes 'em to another page that says almost exactly the same thing as all the other pages, and so they end up believing not only the bullshit story, but that everybody buys the bullshit story, and it's driving millions of good decent Muricans - just like their-own-bad-selves - to take up arms and defend our sovereign purity from the hordes of filthy vermin blah blah blah.

The Right Wing Echo Chamber's a real thing, but it's actually intended just to make you think you'll be joined by a gigundous mob of like-minded cheese fritters just itchin' to go for a little target practice while playing Rambo Junior in the desert southwest.  The Panic Pushers are hoping to manufacture a critical mass when there really isn't the slightest potential for such a thing to happen organically.  That kind of self-delusion is what got you that Romney Landslide in 2012, remember?

Do ya just never get tired of chasing the tin cans they're tyin' on your tail?

As a simple exercise, every once in a while take whatever nonsense du jour pops up and google the main point; something like "immigrants infected".  No matter what it is, an awful lot of the time, you'll get several pages of hits that say practically the same thing - including a bunch where it's an obviously copy-n-paste-verbatim kinda deal.  And it's not just DumFux News and Breitbart and Wingnut Daily either.

It's good to refresh your memory about just how In The Tank these chuckleheads really are, and how way too many Press Poodles are doing anything they need to do to cater to some people's willing ignorance in order to sell 'em some extra camo shirts or dippin' snuff or gold-leaf-plated pot metal "coins".  Business is the first order of business after all; and the "News Bidness" is no exception - not any more.

But it's just as important to remember that rubes are always willing to buy into the belief that no matter what they get talked into doing, as long as they're convinced they're acting in the name of some greater calling or higher power, nothing is out of the question, so everything is acceptable.

'Twas ever thus, and ever thus 'twill be I suppose.  Society carries the seeds of its own destruction just as our own individual bodies carry a host of harmful bacteria and viruses that can kill us whenever the balance of "good germs vs bad germs" goes a little wacky.

The body politic seems in dire need of a powerful high colonic right about now.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

About That Flag

Some knuckleheads down in Richmond decided a while back to put up the CSA Battle Flag because they tho't it was a good way to show their...uhm...American Pride(?)  Yeah, that one still eludes most of us graced with the sense the good lord gave the average okra pod.

Anyway, they've put up another one, but there seems to be some real push-back goin' on (or at least a little wishful Photoshoppin'):

And BTW:

hat tip = Addicting Info

Modern GOP Arithmetic

Teacher: Johnny, if you have 12 cupcakes and you give 3 to Jamal, how many cupcakes do you have left?

Johnny: I have 12 cuz I ain't givin' nuthin' to nobody.

Teacher: Well, if you have 12 cupcakes and I take 3 from you and give them to Jamal, then how many do you have?

Johnny:  Then I have 12 cupcakes and 2 dead bodies to dispose of.

(Ed Note: I'm not clever enough to have come up with it on my own - I saw this not too long ago on the discussion thread of a "conservative" website.)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Don't Like Thinking This Way

It's a pretty lousy feeling when you're not so sure the "good guys with the guns" are on your side.

And that lousy feeling doesn't get any better when you start thinking you may have something in common with these assholes: