Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Saturday, November 19, 2022

On Appearances

Merrick Garland gets slammed for being a Caspar Milquetoast kinda guy, and that's certainly how he seems to show up.

I'm thinking the guy is no wimp, and I could certainly be wrong, but I'm fairly sure Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols would back me up - if they weren't dead because of Mr Garland's meticulous i-dotting and t-crossing that is.

Once upon a time, I was street racing on Speer Boulevard in Denver, having a pretty good night, when this beat down old '63 Falcon pulled up along side of me, and wanted to have a go. I nodded - very sure I could shut this turkey down.

The light turned green, and yes, as you may anticipated, that crappy-lookin' Flacon blew my doors off.

That crummy little Ford - with the crumpled left rear quarter panel, and the mismatched doors, and the partial grey primer paint scheme - that was what we called a "sleeper".

Merrick Garland vs Foghorn Leghorn

Sunday, November 13, 2022

This Just In

Only about 10% of the Election Denier crowd lost last week. Now, you could say that doesn't sound like a lot, and you'd be right, but on the one hand, most of the idiots who lost were Trump-Anointed Idiots.

On the other hand - yes, Trump is probably heading for the Hall Of Hidden Republicans, as the GOP once again builds their lifeboats and cranks up the Rebranding Transmogrifier.

And of course the Press Poodles are crowing about how Trump's MAGA shit is dead now, so everybody can stop yelling and get things back to normal.

But wait a sec - not so fuckin' fast there, Skeezix.

Trump lost - and lost pretty big - but 85-90% percent of the assholes who say the 2020 election was stolen won their seats.

So how the fuck does that mean "Yay - it's over - we can all relax now"?

These guys play the long game, so they'll take what they can get, consolidate their position as best they can - which is usually pretty gosh-darned good - and continue the Plutocracy Project as planned.

We came close to losing it all. And we are not outa the woods yet - not by a long shot.

Here are the stories (pay wall):

Defeats signal that Americans are weary of Trump’s unfounded claims
Election administrators and voting rights advocates said the rebuke of election deniers seeking state-level office was a refreshing course correction by voters.

The party of Trump pays for being the party of Trump
Election Day has come and gone, and the counting continues without a definitive answer to the question of what the balance of power will look like in the coming two years.

The GOP’s disappointing midterm results spur some donors and party leaders to consider other 2024 candidates

Meanwhile down at Mar-A-Lago, new surveillance video has leaked:

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

They Did It

They were off by about 17 meters.

Shooting a BB at a boxcar from almost 7 million miles away, they missed dead center by just 50 feet.


Monday, September 05, 2022

Today's Turnaround

There's hypocrisy, and there's Republican hypocrisy, and then there's DumFux News.

The Recount:

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Saturday, July 02, 2022

A Short Film

American Exceptionalism

It's mostly the self-image thing about being a rugged individualist. We like to think we are proudly independent - we're out there on our own - man against the wilderness - carving a life out of the bounties God himself has given us dominion over, with grit and an unrelenting thirst for self-determination - and blah blah fucking blah.

One thing - we also insist on making it a little easier for ourselves, mostly by taking steps to deny that freedom to others - especially to (eg) women.
see SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade

Anyway, it's not all good and it's not all bad - Kite & Key Media

Monday, June 27, 2022

Be The Lawn Mower

There are decent Blue people in Red states.

There are Red assholes in Blue States.

Texas Paul - via MeidasTouch

Friday, June 03, 2022

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Today's Video

Cooking is chemistry - and engineering - and fluid dynamics.

And magic.

Or something.

Monday, May 16, 2022

On Walls

Aside from the fact that I love listening to anyone with a Scots accent, this guy makes some great points - especially right at the end.

We may be sold the idea that the wall is to keep "those people" out, but one unintended consequence - sometimes a consequence which is absolutely intended - is keeping people in.

Bruce Fummey - Scotland History Tours